Cloud 9 – Multiple Love Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 88064 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

"They offered for me to live at Cloud 9?"

"Yeah. They have space, and they want you to be safe. The best place for them to ensure that happens is here with them."

"That’s crazy nice."

"They’re really great people, Chantelle. They’ll do anything to keep you safe while you’re under their roof."

"I just…I’m scared that he’ll do something bad, Dawn."

The fear in her voice makes me pause for a second. "I know. I get it. But even if you keep your mouth shut, there’s still a chance that he could turn on you, isn’t there? Isn’t it better to deal with it? At some point, people have to get together and draw a line in the sand. Bad men like Barrow need to be stopped before they get so powerful that there’s no taking them down."

"Isn’t he already that powerful?" she asks. It’s a good question and one I don’t really have the answer to.

"If he was that powerful, he wouldn’t need to carry out his business using bricks as threats. He doesn’t have all the people he needs in his pocket or what he’s trying to do with Cloud 9 could be accomplished easily."

"True." She nods and her expression softens as though she wants to believe what I’m saying.

"Just think about it, okay? That’s all I’m asking."

"It could be fun, coming to live with you guys and I’m going to struggle to make rent this month." She says the last part as an afterthought, but it’s pretty fundamental. Maybe that will be the tipping point.

"See. It’s like it’s meant to be," I say.

Am I being a good person? I think I am. I really believe that Chantelle will be better off with Lachlan and the boys at Cloud 9 than out there on her own. And if it saves her having to return home with her tail between her legs, it’s even better.

"Can I come over and talk to them?" she asks. "I think that would help me decide."

"Sure," I say, surprised that she’s moving faster than I anticipated. "Can you come now, before things get busy with the bar?"

"I can. I’ll see you in an hour."

When Chantelle arrives, I’ve already briefed Thomas, Cooper and Mitchell about the possible arrangements. They give her a warm welcome, offering her a drink and some homemade cookies, encouraging her to sit on a comfortable rattan sofa and nodding attentively when she’s speaking. They do their best to make her feel safe, which I know comes naturally to them. It’s how they make me feel whenever I’m in their company.

"But are you sure about me moving in here?" Chantelle asks, her gaze flicking between the three men.

"Of course," Cooper says. "We have the space, and it will make things easier. None of us would want to worry about you being across town by yourself, especially when coming forward is more of a risk to you than it is to us."

Chantelle smoothes her hands over her white linen trousers and exhales a long breath. "I’ll be honest and admit that I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing. Maybe, in a week, I’ll kick myself for sticking my neck out. Maybe everything will explode, but I haven’t slept well for weeks. I just keep turning over what happened with Barrow in my mind. I can’t seem to let go of it. And if I never confront him about what he did, maybe it will always stay with me. I just want to get past it and this feels like a way to do it."

"Okay," Thomas says, shifting forward in his seat. "We can help you move your things today, if that works for you. And you’re welcome to stay here until everything is legally resolved."

"Until it goes to court?"

"Yes." Cooper says the word firmly, but I can see he’s forcing a sense of confidence. Who knows if it will even get that far?

"It works for me then." Chantelle looks to me as though she wants confirmation that I’m okay with the plan.

"I’ll help you pack up," I say, resting my hand on her knee. "And my friend Kyla can help, too."

"I have one other thing I need to do before we head back. Are you okay to wait here for a little while?" I ask Chantelle.

"No worries," Chantelle says, as I rise from the seat next to her and nod at Cooper, Mitchell and Thomas. "I’ll be back."

I walk around the front of Cloud 9, staring up at the big blue sign, and the white neon cloud behind it. In the day, it doesn’t have much impact, but at night, the way it glitters and shines is eye-catching.

I know it’s late back home, but I want to try my friend Allie. She’s a journalist and is always working into the night, dealing with crazy deadlines. If she’s awake, she’s awake. If not, I’ll leave a message.


