Cloud 9 – Multiple Love Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 88064 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

I should be filled with excitement. My imagination happily devours the options, but my heart struggles to imagine packing my suitcase, setting off into the world and never seeing these men again.

I try to think of one thing about each of them that I will fix in my memory. Mitchell’s laugh, Cooper’s smile, Logan’s gentle touch, Lachlan’s dark watchful eyes, Thomas’s musical fingers, Bryce’s quick magical hands, Joshua’s sense of adventure, Jared’s playfulness, and Bradley’s warm heart.

They’ve each managed to imprint themselves onto my heart in a way I wasn’t prepared for. Would I have it any other way? No. Everything about our time together has been too special and even though it’s probably time for me to leave before they get any closer, I can’t just pack up with this awful situation banging at their door.

The truth is, I don't want to. I want to discover more about what we could be like together. I want to feel exactly what Kyla has, even if it’s just for a brief time.

The rumble of masculine voices outside my room carries through the door, and I scramble out of bed and towards the noise as quickly as I can.

In the hallway, all nine men linger, talking quietly amongst themselves, before they head to their rooms for sleep. I guess, after I left to call Carl, they must have carried on drinking and talking.

"Sorry, Dawn," Logan says, spotting me first. Eight other heads swivel to face me. "Did we wake you?"

"I couldn't sleep."

I look down, suddenly conscious that I'm standing in front of them in a tight white tank which does little to conceal my breasts beneath, and a pair of white cotton panties. Nine sets of eyes rake over my body, and I'm warmed by the intensity of their stares.

"You need someone to help you get to sleep?" Bryce asks, his Texan drawl making his half-innocent words feel sinful.

Folding in my lips to moisten them, I take time to look them all over with the same approving gaze they’re giving me. And damn, I don't think I've ever seen such a fine group of men gathered together. Or such a good group of men.

I imagine describing them all to Kyla and her friends and am pretty certain what their reaction would be. I’m sure they'd tell me to do all the things that've been on my mind since the day I came to apply for the job and I got to meet them all.

Yes, sex in ones and twos is awesome, but sex with nine men? What would that even be like?

Would they even want to find out?

Kyla's quite private about her love life, but she was kind enough to answer a few logistical questions that I asked in fascination. With three men, I get what each of them might do. Four or five is still easy to imagine, but nine? That's a lot of men just standing around waiting for their turn, isn't it?

Would that be so bad?

My cheeks heat at the thought of vocalizing what I’m thinking, but isn't this what living by my mantra is all about? When will I ever get another chance to experience this with nine men I care for and who care for me?

Never, that's when.

So, if I want to know what it's like, and store away the memory for a time long in the future when I'm old and in need of something incredible to reminisce on, I have to do it now.

The phrase I live by, you only live once, is what moments like this were made for.

"I need all of you," I say softly, resting against the doorframe.

Oh god. Just asking them sends a shiver of sensation up my spine and over my scalp. When my nipples tighten, at least four sets of eyes notice. Lachlan stands straighter, as though he wants the decision for what happens next to rest with him, but knows that it won't. Maybe he won't be comfortable with fucking in the same room as his friends? Maybe sharing me will become more difficult for him when he can see it rather than just imagine it.

Mitchell's eyes seem to dance with anticipation. Cooper licks his amazing lips and Thomas shifts on his feet. Seconds tick past and I know I've really shocked them. The thought of nine men stunned by my indecent proposal makes me want to giggle.

Eventually, Joshua steps forward and rests his warm hand on my hip, bending to press a soft kiss to my lips. "I don't know what you fuckers are waiting for."

In a flash, he scoops me off my feet, encouraging me to wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to the bed. He kisses down my throat and between my breasts, pushing the thin fabric of my tank down with his chin. The sound of the door shutting punctuates the air, but I have no idea who crossed the threshold and who decided to remain outside.


