Bones – Satan’s Fury MC Read Online L. Wilder

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Mafia, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 74575 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 373(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

“Like what?”

“Like that. It was incredible.”

“Yes, it was.”

While I was relieved that he’d agreed, I was curious to know if he thought things had gone as well as I thought they had. I leaned up on my elbow and tried to be casual as I asked, “Are you sure about that? Was it really okay?”

“It was more than okay, Elsie.” He eased forward and kissed me on the temple. “You had nothing to worry about.”


I laid back on the pillow and inched up the covers as I curled up next to him. We lay there quietly for several minutes, and I was beginning to think Wyatt had drifted off to sleep until he asked, “Are you tired?”

“Not really.”

“Me either.” He sat up in bed and asked, “Do you want to watch TV or something?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

He nodded, then got up and collected his boxers from the floor. When he started to get dressed, I eased out of bed and gathered my clothes from the floor. I was about to go get cleaned up when Wyatt said, “Just a second.”

I waited and watched as he walked over to his dresser and pulled out a long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of plaid boxers. He tossed it over to me as he said, “This might be more comfortable.”


With clothes in hand, I darted into the bathroom and cleaned up a bit; then, I put on the clothes Wyatt had given me. I gave myself a quick check in the mirror, and after fixing my smudged eyeliner, I opened the door and stepped back into the bedroom. There was no sign of Wyatt, so I started down the hall and called out, “Wyatt?”

“I’m in the kitchen.” When I walked in, I found him standing in front of the refrigerator wearing only his boxer briefs and a wife-beater t-shirt, and he looked unbelievably sexy. A soft smile crept across his handsome face as his eyes skirted over me. “I like the look.”

“Thanks.” I could feel the warmth of my blush as it crept along my cheeks. “I like yours, too.”

“Glad you like it... You hungry?”

Wrath and Savage had wiped out most of the pizza and wings, so I didn’t get much to eat. And after our little workout, I had a little grumble in my stomach. “Umm, yeah. I could eat. Whatcha got?”

“Not a lot.” He searched a moment longer, then said, “I can make us an omelet or a grilled cheese? Or an egg sandwich?”

“Oooh, an egg sandwich sounds good.”

“Yeah, it does.”

He pulled out the eggs and mayo and placed them on the counter, then he took out a skillet. It was strange seeing him like this—so relaxed and laidback. It was almost like I was getting a secret glimpse of his life outside of the club—one that no one else got to see. Enthralled, I sat down on the stool and watched him fry our eggs.

When they were almost done, he pulled out the bread and started to spread mayonnaise on each slice. As soon as he was done, he stepped back over to the stove to check on the eggs. That's when I told him, "My mother used to make egg sandwiches whenever my brother and I were sick- like every single time. Earache. Stomachache. Egg sandwich. I swear she thought they had special healing powers."

"I would never think about eating an egg when I was a kid. Just the thought of them turned my stomach." He cut each of the sandwiches into triangles as he told me, "But Stitch ate them all the time, and I was determined to be just like him, so I gave it a go. Turns out, they weren't so bad. I even grew to like them."

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but when I first moved to the clubhouse, I was completely terrified of your dad.”

Wyatt slid my plate over to me as he snickered, “He does make quite a first impression.”

“He certainly does. He makes a pretty impactful second and third impression, too,” I giggled. “But now that I’ve gotten to know him, I’m still pretty terrified of him.”

“Really? Why? He’s just a big teddy bear.”

“Stitch is nothing of the sort. He’s more like a rabid bear or a starved mountain lion or a werewolf on a full moon.”

“I get it. He’s a big scary dude, but he was more of a father to me than my ol’ man ever was. He saw me for me. Never treated me like I was just some weird kid. He didn’t call me names or put me down. He took the time to get to know me, and that meant something to me. It still does.”

“I’m glad you have him in your life.”

“Me, too. I don’t know what I would’ve done without him.”

“Do you think you would’ve joined the MC if he hadn’t come around?”


