Bold – Love and Secrets Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Insta-Love, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 76603 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 383(@200wpm)___ 306(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

“No.” Wait. “Yes.”

Was that a kink?

I was starting to understand why he’d said he didn’t know the right words to use.

Rolling his eyes, Austin huffed again. “He produces milk like an omega who had a baby would but he’s an alpha. He knots and everything. It’s just a thing. Like a one in a zillion physical issue and as you can probably imagine, he’s private about it.”

“Some people would’ve been mean about it.” That was obvious, but what took a second was the rest of what Austin had said. “Wait. He…he’d let me…I could…”

Flopping back on the end of the couch, Austin groaned. “Now he finally gets it.”

Drama queen.

He sat up before I could point that out, though, and charged right back in. “He really didn’t understand that there are subs and littles who wouldn’t care and who could find it fun at the very least. He thought it was something that he’d be lucky to get a sub to simply ignore.”

He clearly hadn’t been looking to date in the right places.

“I…I wouldn’t mind that if we clicked.” I wouldn’t date or submit to someone just because of it, but I wouldn’t mind it as long as he didn’t mind my reaction to it.

Austin giggled. “Understatement.”

“You’re such a brat.”

He beamed. “Takes one to know one.”

Unfortunately, he was right.

“Would…would he hate that I’d like it?” At least, I thought I’d like it. “What if…what if he thinks I’m wrong for liking it?”

Austin didn’t hesitate for a moment. His voice went flat and his eyes went almost dead inside. “If he’s mean to you, they’ll never find his body.”

That was good to know.

“Okay…I’ll…I’ll get to know him?”

How was this supposed to work?

I needed to learn to ask more questions before I agreed to anything he said.

Chapter 3


“Stop threatening me.” Once had been enough to make his point. “Even if we don’t have chemistry and we can’t find a common ground on…my issue…I’ll be nice.”

After the third threat of bodily harm, I realized the sub in question had at the very least dated a few assholes before Austin had found him.

If I’d been less distracted over my own worries, I’d have realized the problem sooner. But that couldn’t be helped, so I was going to have to fix the situation before Silas went from glaring out the window to actually coming to talk to me.

I didn’t need a black eye on my first date with Dessie.

If a regular date wouldn’t be impressed by it, a little would turn around and run.

“He’s worried.” Austin didn’t like that, judging by the way his glare was getting worse and his tone was even more clipped. “The last Dom he dated decided he was the wrong kind of little and it hurt Dessie’s feelings.”

Well, at least some of the blanks were being filled in.

“I am going to do my best not to hurt his feelings about any kinks or desires.” I couldn’t control anything else because most people just didn’t like me. “I’m assuming you had a nice long talk with the Dom in question?”

Austin’s glare got fiery. “Not until after he’d joined the club. Dessie didn’t want to talk about it, so I didn’t hear about it until too late. He’s being watched when he comes into the club and he’s on a short leash with anything that pisses me off, so he’s been well-behaved so far.”

It was hard to track silence.

“That must be frustrating.” Seeing the Dom in question on a regular basis must be driving Austin insane.

“Yes, it is.” Austin was nearly rabid about protecting subs, so I didn’t underestimate his feelings on the topic. “I’ve already made provisions to ruin him if it comes to that, but he’s been mostly hanging out and not getting to know anyone specific.”

That sounded good so far.

“Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” I wasn’t going to offer to kill anyone, he already had people for that, but I would gladly help with information gathering. “But before my date arrives, I need you to please explain one more time what being the wrong kind of little means.”

None of it made sense.

Austin rolled his eyes, finally not looking lethal. “This isn’t rocket science. We already talked about this.”

“I know that, but it’s stupid.” So I had to be missing something important. “You’re honestly telling me that people who play pretend in different ways say there is a right and wrong way to play pretend? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”

I understood the main points of the activity and I could grasp the whys for the most part. Austin was right. It didn’t take a lot of brains to understand that toys were fun and being taken care of was relaxing, but it was the right and wrong way to do it that didn’t make any sense.


