Blade (Shadowridge Guardians MC #10) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Shadowridge Guardians MC Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

A smile spread Blade’s lips, and he brushed away a wavy lock of deep brown hair that always seemed to be in his face. “Let me show you.”

He linked his fingers with hers like it was something they always did and led Sapphire over to the cycle sitting a short distance away. Blade rubbed a hand over the large, rounded part in front of the seat. “This is the tank. It holds gasoline to fuel the bike.”

“I knew that,” Sapphire assured him.

“I can add throwing stars to snap into place on the tank.” He twisted his wrist and removed a metal star with sharpened edges.

“I thought that was part of the design. Those come off?” She stared at the metal piece before examining the spot where he’d disguised it. “Isn’t that sharp?” Sapphire asked, reaching a finger out to touch the gleaming edge.

“This isn’t a toy. It will slice you,” Blade warned, pulling it away and snapping it back into place. “See how it locks onto the tank, so the metal covers the sharpened sections?”

“That’s a perfect disguise. I’d never think it was a weapon.”

“Adding gems would throw the balance off on the star or I’d have you design something to embellish it,” Blade said, running his fingers over the device.

“Why would you need that?” she asked.

“There are people that don’t like bikers. Road rage is crazy. Some motorcycle clubs protect their turf physically. And there are bad people out in the world. Do you have something in your car in case of a problem?”

“No. I know I couldn’t throw that. I’d end up dropping that star on my foot or flipping it back to get me in the shoulder.” Sapphire laughed.

“A star is not the weapon I’d give you. I’m sure we can find something for protection that matches your abilities and style,” Blade told her.

“I’m not weaving knives into my T-shirt, Blade. It’s a look that works for you and that leather vest,” she said, waving a hand toward his cut, which had been hung carefully on a hook.

“How heavy is that thing?” Sapphire turned to consider his powerful shoulders and knew it didn’t matter. He’d never notice five or ten pounds of weapons.

When her gaze rose to his face, she discovered him smiling broadly. “Do I amuse you?”

“Yes. In a good way, of course. What are you doing tonight?” Blade asked.

“Bringing you the designs.”

“I approve them all. I’ll load your trunk with some unsharpened knives for you to embellish,” Blade told her. “Keep track of your time and supplies so I can pay you. Don’t work cheap. I’ll pass along the cost to the customer.”

“I’ll be honest,” she assured him.

“Of course you will. If not, I’ll spank your bottom crimson.”

All the rest he said after that went right over her head. The arousal already shimmering inside her at simply being close to Blade exploded into a fire at the thought of him paddling her. A visual image of being stretched over his hard thighs popped into her brain, pushing any coherent thoughts from her mind. He might as well have been speaking in Greek. She just watched his handsome face and let the words float over her head. When he stopped, she grabbed frantically at the last thing she heard. Pizza? Chinese?

“I’m starving.”

“Then, let’s go. Have you ridden on a motorcycle before?”

“When I was in college,” she admitted.

“Perfect. Let’s go.”

Sapphire nodded automatically and took his hand when he extended it. Inside, she marveled at how easy everything felt with Blade—like they’d known each other for weeks. Had she ever felt this excited about any man? Not a chance.



Riding with Blade was unlike her previous experience. She relaxed against his honed body and mirrored his actions. What made this so different from riding with that other guy in art school? She’d gotten so tense each time she’d perched on his bike that she’d been sore when they got anywhere. Bouncing along with him quickly became something she dreaded.

Smooth, exhilarating, and yummy. That was how she felt wrapped around Blade. Well, yummy referred to his scent. Blade smelled like polish and fire from his work, but underlying that simmered hot, spicy male. Sapphire could roll around in that and be happy. An instant flash of what making love with Blade would be like popped into her brain. She bit her lip at the surge of pure hunger that filled her.

“He might make me stand on my head.”

“What?” Blade asked, looking quickly over his shoulder.

“Nothing. Just thinking of my weekly yoga class.” Sapphire covered for herself while mentally whacking her forehead for talking aloud.

“I’ve never tried yoga. Where do you go?”

“I watch it on TV. That’s the easiest.” She invented an excuse. Hey, quick thinking.

She tightened her hold on Blade as he slowed to turn into the parking lot of The Hangout. He drove around the back and parked with a line of motorcycles. Sapphire smiled to see several bikes had colorful helmets. She wanted to see the bikers wearing those.


