Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)
Her eyes widened at the amount on the cash register as she walked forward to join the group. Blade adeptly charged the woman’s credit card before placing the boxes into a large shopping bag. With the business complete, they snapped a few photos.
As the women prepared to leave, a brunette asked, “Blade? When do you work in the store? I may need to come back for some gifts.”
“I’m afraid I’m not a regular employee. I come in to help Sapphire when inspiration strikes her and she needs some time in the back to create. Feel free to check in often. I might be here,” Blade assured them.
“Will do, Blade. Thanks for your help,” one called as the women headed reluctantly toward the door.
“What did you do? Juggle knives to impress them?” Sapphire asked in fascination as she looked around the store at all the empty spaces on the racks.
“No juggling necessary. Turns out, I’m good at helping women find pretty things,” he said with a grin.
“I think you just sold a month’s worth of jewelry in an hour. I should have shoplifters in more often.”
“Don’t even say that,” he warned, sobering instantly.
“You’re right. That was in bad taste. It’s ten minutes until closing. How about if I clean up quickly and we can get out of here? Would you like to come home with me and visit Silver? He misses you.”
“Only if I can spend time with you as well, Blue Eyes.”
“I’d like that.” Silver would understand that she wanted his attention focused on her. To Sapphire’s surprise, she wasn’t nervous. She hadn’t felt this strongly about anyone before. Being alone with him sounded incredible. Hopefully, she could convince him to stay.
Sapphire parked her car, and Blade’s large bike backed in next to her. She didn’t like thinking that he was preparing to leave even though she had noticed most bikers reversed into a parking space. Turning, she gathered her purse and jacket from the passenger seat and slid out of the car.
She couldn’t believe how nervous she felt. It wasn’t like she was a virgin or anything. This was important—like being intimate was a big step in their relationship. Lifting her gaze, she met Blade as he stood beside her.
“Come on, Blue Eyes. Show me your apartment. I can’t wait to learn more about you,” he said quietly.
Staring at him for a full second, Sapphire listened to what that simple message told her. He didn’t plan to be a one-night stand. He wanted to see her most private space, because sensing it would give him insights into who she was. “It may be messy. I was in a hurry this morning.”
“I already know you’re a very organized person. I’ve seen how you handle your stock at the shop.” He held out his hand, and she intertwined her fingers with his. “Let me see the side of you unimportant people don’t get to experience.”
The pressure seemed to lift from her shoulders. He really cared about her. She squeezed his hand and nodded before turning. Leading him through the locked building door, Sapphire watched him scan the area and suspected he was checking out the security of the apartment complex. She opened her own door and led the way inside.
Glancing around, she tried to see her apartment like a stranger would. A comfy sectional dominated the space. It had footstools that could either detach or hug the couch. She had the softest blanket thrown over the back of it. It was heaven to snuggle under while she watched movies.
Of course, art filled the walls. As she set her things down on an end table, she watched him walk forward to study a large abstract piece next to the TV. That was one of her most favorite paintings she’d ever created. Full of color and movement, it popped from the wall.
“From my painting era,” she joked.
“You are very talented. It reminds me of a waterfall. All the energy in the splashing liquid ricochets everywhere,” he shared as he studied it.
“I like that. It’s my version of a merry-go-round but sped up. I actually painted it horizontally, but I like it better vertically, so the movement is like a waterfall,” she shared, pleased.
He tilted his head one way and then the other. “There it is. I can see that.”
“You’re just being kind now,” she said with a laugh. It died out quickly as he turned to look at her.
“I will never lie to you, Sapphire. That’s not who I am. I’ll never deliberately be unkind, but I don’t like untruths. It’s not how I want to live.”
Blade walked forward and ran his hands up her arms. “I don’t have a silver tongue. I can only tell you what I think or feel. Like, I’ve never felt this sure about a relationship. You’re the one I’ve searched for.”