Blade (Shadowridge Guardians MC #10) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Shadowridge Guardians MC Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

When they reached the group of eight Littles sitting at one of the tables playing spoons, all the women jumped up to hug Sapphire.

Remi asked, “What’s that for? A present from your Daddy?”

“It’s for Ivy. My Daddy and I designed it for her,” Sapphire said nervously as she held it out to Ivy. “I hope you like it.”

“You didn’t have to get me something,” Ivy said as she reached for the bag. “What is it? Oh, look, everyone. It’s a teddy bear. It’s just like the bear on the Shadowridge Guardians’ cuts.”

“Let me show you what it does,” Sapphire offered. “You press the bear’s nose, and this slides away. Then you hold that piece like this. Be careful. It’s sharp.”

“You remembered and made me something to wear that could protect me. What do I do with it if someone attacks me?” Ivy squealed, looking at Blade. Her voice attracted the attention of the other MC members, who crowded around.

Blade suspected his smile was as big as his Little girl’s. Ivy’s reaction and excitement was contagious. Sapphire had put so much into this design. He was proud of her.

“It works to stab or slash. Now, if you feel scared, pull this and have it ready. You can use your hand to cover what you’re doing. You’re just fumbling with your necklace,” Blade told her. “If you don’t need it, you can put it back. If you do, you’re ready. Don’t be hesitant. Strike out with determination. Be a warrior.”

Ivy nodded. A slow smile spread over her lips. “It’s the same color as Lucky.” She carefully put the ears back into place before holding it out to Sapphire. “Will you put it on me?”

“Sure. Turn around.” Sapphire fastened the chain. “There you go.”

Ivy whirled around to hug her tight. “Thank you so much!”

Blade watched Sapphire’s eyes widen as the appreciative Little jostled Sapphire’s body. That plug was making itself known.

She gathered herself quickly to answer, “I’m glad you like it. I thought I would offer to create more necklaces. That is, if you would each like one? I can make them without the detachable weapon if you’re more comfortable that way.”

“I’m going to recommend that every Little should have a device to defend themselves. I’d like to see this original design for everyone, but their Daddies may have other ideas,” Steele suggested.

The MC members nodded their agreement—even those without Littles.

“You never know where you’ll be when something crappy happens. I’d like one with the self-protection feature,” Molly stated. “Could it also have a pin to secure it?”

“Of course. I can add that,” Sapphire assured the group. “That’s a great idea. Then you can put it wherever it’s best for you. Even inside a pocket.”

Blade watched the women gather close together as they discussed all the possibilities. Their chatter focused on different colors to match their stuffies. He hated that this was necessary but loved how Sapphire had combined something dear to them with a secondary use.

“You could make a million dollars on those,” Ink pointed out.

“It’s worth a million to keep our Littles safe,” Blade assured him. “I wonder who’s next to find their Littles?”

“Maybe King? He’s seemed distracted lately. He’s definitely been spending his time somewhere else,” Steele observed. “We’ll find out soon enough. Are you still planning to empty Sapphire’s apartment tomorrow?”

“Yes. She’s ready to stay permanently,” Blade told him.

“Perfect. You got lucky, Blade,” Kade said.

“That’s definitely true. I’m not letting her go. She’s one of us,” Blade told the men.

They turned to look at the gathered Littles all animatedly talking. No drama. No competition. The Littles’ relationships with each other were strong. These were their confidants and greatest supporters. Knowing his Little would have these incredible women in her corner reassured Blade. She was safe here.

As he watched, the Littles checked in frequently toward their men. Blade sensed their relationships with their Daddies were forged with heat and genuine love. Seeing the Littles with their Daddies over the last months had proved beyond a doubt that their feelings were deep. He’d never known how much he could care about someone until Sapphire had appeared in his life.

He glanced at the men gathered in the clubhouse and suddenly felt very lucky. Not many people found a group that accepted them as they were—without reservations. His brothers in the Shadowridge Guardians meant more to him than his blood relatives.

“Daddy! You’re so serious. Is everything okay?” Sapphire asked, wrapping her beautifully tattooed arms around his neck.

Blade wrapped his arms around her, pulling his Little close. Her gasp made him smile. She was definitely sensitive to that plug. “Everything is better than okay. The guys are going to help get you moved tomorrow. Do you still want to bring your furniture here to fill an empty room? At some point, a guest or one of the new members will move in there.”


