Beyond the Badge – Nox (Blue Avengers MC #6) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 131888 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

It was time to take matters into his own hands.

He pounded on the door first but realized he should check to see if it was locked and, of course, it was, since most motel room doors locked automatically when they shut.

He didn’t bother to wait for either occupant to answer, instead he planted his boot hard next to the handle. Unfortunately, the wood frame cracked a little, but the door didn’t fly open like he expected.

“Shit.” That failure would give T-Bone a heads up.

Fuck it. He was too invested to simply walk away now.

Just as he was lifting his boot again, the door swung open, and T-Bone stood there scowling. “What the fuck?”

“Exactly. What the fuck?” Nox pushed past him, quickly scanning the room for threats other than T-Bone.

“Who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you in my room?”

Nox tried to keep one eye on the biker as he approached the woman sitting naked on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands. “You okay?”

She lifted her tear-streaked face and nodded.

“He hurt you?”

T-Bone yanked on Nox’s arm. “Fuck off, asshole. Get the fuck outta here.”

Nox pulled free with a jerk of his shoulder, but kept an eye on the man’s hands. They were empty now, but that could quickly change. “Why are you crying?”

She sniffled and shook her head.

“Did he hurt you? Did either of them hurt you?”

She shook her head again.

“What happened?”

“Get the fuck outta my room!” T-Bone screamed and grabbed Nox’s arm again, digging his fingers in painfully.

This time, instead of pulling free, Nox spun, used the man’s grip to yank him off balance and nailed him square in the face with his fist.

Damn, did that feel good.

So, he did it again.

And again.

And one more time for shits and giggles.

When Nox’s rage cleared, T-Bone was down on his knees, with his left eye already turning colors and blood rushing from his nose.

Did he also have a split lip? Poor fucking baby.

Nox angled himself so he could keep an eye on the former prospect as he asked the woman, “What happened?’

“The sicko wanted to shit in my mouth and for me to eat it. I ain’t doing that.”

Nox’s stomach rolled at her honest answer. It was one time he’d prefer to hear a lie.

“Who are you?” Her eyes flicked to T-Bone cupping a hand over his busted nose and back to Nox.

Nox couldn’t tell her that he was a cop. Or that he’d been watching T-Bone. Instead, he went with, “I heard the fucking commotion next door.” As the former Demon prospect slowly made his way to his feet, Nox addressed him. “She said she didn’t want someone making her eat his shit. Why the fuck would you let someone do that? What’s going on here?”

T-Bone sounded a bit stuffed up when he responded, “Mind your own fuckin’ business. She’s my woman.”

He glanced at the strung-out, naked woman. “Are you?”

Her wide, glassy eyes once again bounced from Nox to T-Bone and back. Her expression told him everything, even though Nox already knew the answer.

He held out his hand to her. “Let’s go.”

“You go with him, you ain’t gettin’ paid,” T-Bone warned the woman.

“Get paid for what?” Nox asked, even though he knew.

“Not your goddamn business! Now get the fuck outta here.” T-Bone jabbed a finger toward the open door.

“Or what? You going to call the cops?”

“Fuck no. Don’t need the fuckin’ pigs to handle a problem like you.” A gun appeared in T-Bone’s hand.

Nox froze. There it was. He figured the man was packing. He was only surprised that the weapon hadn’t appeared earlier, especially when Nox was pounding him to his knees.

Did Nox rattle the asshole’s brain enough so that he only just remembered he had it on him?

“Givin’ you one more chance to get the fuck outta here and to mind your fuckin’ business. You takin’ that chance or not?”

Nox lifted up his palms in surrender, ignoring the fact he had a compact .38 revolver strapped to his ankle.

He needed to resist the temptation to pull it. He couldn’t get into a shoot-out. Plus, the walls were thin in this motel, it wouldn’t take much for a stray bullet to go through one and strike an innocent.

Do not pull your fucking weapon. Do not tell him you’re a cop. Keep all your normal responses under wraps and handle this tactfully so you don’t leave this room with more holes than when you entered.

“Do you want to stay here?” Nox asked the woman.

Her eyes again flicked from him to T-Bone before she nodded.

Nox gritted his teeth. “Fine. Have a good night. Just keep the volume down over here so the rest of us can get some sleep, got it? If you don’t, I’m calling the cops.”

“Fuck off,” T-Bone sneered, then winced due to his busted face.


