Baby Contract Read Online Ella Goode

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 29398 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 147(@200wpm)___ 118(@250wpm)___ 98(@300wpm)

Megan stumbles backward, and Errol rushes over to catch her before she tumbles on her ass. He half-carries her to a nearby chair. The phone clatters to the ground. “What am I going to do?” she wails. Violet starts to cry too, which makes Megan sob even harder. Errol plucks the baby from my arms and disappears. Two crying girls is too much for him.

“Is this baby really Robert’s?”

“I don’t know. It could be Robert. It could be De—” She cuts herself off as if realizing she’s said too much.

I take a chance. “Carr really wants the baby. He’d be a good father. You should think about letting him keep Violet.”

“I do want the baby, Megan.”

We both jolt in surprise at the sound of Carr’s voice.

Chapter Twenty-One


“Remington isn’t the father?” Addison nearly drops the bottle she’s feeding Violet. I tilt the container back until Violet can latch on again.

“Highly unlikely as he had a vasectomy five years ago.”

“Who are you thinking it is then?”

“Dex, probably. I requested the lab resend the results. We should get them tomorrow.”

“What did Remington say when you confronted him?”

“That all is fair in war and commerce. I told him he could have the Osaka deal. I didn’t want it.” I tickle Violet’s foot and watch in fascination as her tiny toes, looking like beans only half-grown curl against themselves.

“Can you do that? Just hand over a deal to someone else?”

“The Yamamotos are nice people, but I shouldn’t have to pretend to be something I’m not just to get the business. Either you like what I bring to the table or we aren’t going to be partners. I should have remembered that instead of getting caught up in trying to beat Remington. Why was I trying to outfraud him with you and Violet?”

“Did he really hire someone to pretend to be his family?”

“He sure did. I guess I should be relieved.” Violet is ready to be burped. I gesture for Addison to hand the baby over. When Violet is in my arms and a burp cloth is draped over my white cotton dress shirt, I stand and start patting.

“If he already had the actresses, why did he want Violet?”

“Contingency. He thought if he had another child, it would sway the Yamamotos in his favor. Even after hearing your story, Mr. Yamamoto was still considering Remington. We both lied to him.” I shake my head. “It’s a deal that was always going to be a problem.”

Violet gives off a satisfying belch. Addison and I exchange grins.

“It’s silly how happy we are whenever Violet does something super basic.” Addison takes Violet from me.

“I admit that I never thought I’d be happy about a poopy diaper.”

“You’re a good dad.” Addison’s eyes meet mine, and there’s a sadness there that is reflected in my own.

“But not for Violet.” I take the sleepy baby and lay her in the crib so that I can take Addison’s hands in mine, rubbing the top of the diamond that she is still wearing after our Japan trip. “I’m not trying to replace Violet with someone else, but I know that before you, my life was empty. In these few short weeks I’ve realized that the robotic pursuit of money, deals, and plans are empty, and what I’ve needed to fill up the space in my life is a family. I want you there beside me and with, God willing, little ones. Say yes.”

“Why are you doing this when I just put Violet down for a nap?” she whispers heatedly.

I smile. “I didn’t think that when she was crying for food or pooping out her dinner that it would be the right setting.”

I pull her against me. “I could have waited until after we made love, but I didn’t want you to think I’d proposed in a post-coital haze of glory.”

“Is that what you call it after you come?” she giggles against my mouth.

“It seems like you need a reminder of how good I make it for you.” I swing her into my arms and cross to the connecting room. “You think you’re cooking something in your baby oven?”

“I don’t know. Maybe?”

“Let’s help the odds out.” I throw her on the bed.

“You okay?” I ask Addison as she places Violet in the carrier.

“No. Not really. How about you?”

“Not great.” I pick up the carrier. When Megan left me with the little one, I never imagined I would grow to have these feelings of attachment. “Shall we?”

Addison twists her ring but gives a short nod. She visibly gathers herself and leads the way out of the nursery and down to the first floor reception room, where Megan and Dex are waiting, along with a small army of lawyers. Megan is sitting in one of the two long sofas facing each other while Dex is across the room, staring out the window. He’s probably counting down in his head to his next pickleball match.


