Baby Contract Read Online Ella Goode

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 29398 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 147(@200wpm)___ 118(@250wpm)___ 98(@300wpm)

“They do now.”

“Guess so.” He sounds cheerful. “If that’s all, I’m going to hang up. I’ve got a couple of honeys coming over, and I want to set the scene.”

I hang up without saying goodbye because Dex pisses me off and the mention of Robert Remington makes me want to tear someone’s head off. What did Addison recommend? Do some crimes? An idea percolates in the back of my head. I guess there’s one way out of this mess.

Chapter Twenty


“Iwas half—no, more than half—joking when I said do crimes.” I tap the paperwork that Carr placed in front of me.

He jiggles Violet against his chest as he leans over my shoulder. I avert my eyes because seeing him hold the baby places my marriage fever into overdrive. I was happy being single before I met Carr, and now I’m dreaming of white dresses, shimmer veils, and a pasta bar reception. Utter madness.

“Remington is an asshole, and he’d be a shit dad. Using his greed against him is balancing out the moral scales.”

“I should have asked more questions about why he wanted to hire me as a nanny even before he had the baby. I just thought he was being creepy and was trying to hire a live-in for adult reasons, not baby reasons. Do you think he knew Megan was pregnant?”

“He must have gotten her pregnant deliberately because he wanted this Osaka deal. I’ve been working on it for over a year, and I knew Mr. Yamamoto was a big family man, but I figured I could put together the right package that it wouldn’t matter.”

“You were right in the end. Yamamoto still wants to make the deal with you.” I pat his arm. His bicep bulges when he holds Violet. He’s too sexy with the baby. I reach up and take her from him because there’s only so much a woman can take before she breaks.

“It was because of you and your honesty, but thanks for the credit.”

“Sounds like I deserve a big bonus.” Violet coos her agreement. As I lean down to brush my nose against the baby, Carr drops a kiss on my head.

“I’ll give you a big bonus tonight after I finish conning Remington out of his parental rights.”

He leaves without waiting for a response, but what would I have said if he stayed? We probably would be tearing our clothes off at the next nap break.

“I’m weak, Violet,” I tell the baby. “I like him too much. I don’t just love him, but I like him. I’m happier when he’s around, lonely when he’s not. It sucks. Don’t fall in love, honey. It’s no good.”

Violet kicks her feet and giggles in response.

“Of course you don’t mind. He’s devoted to you. He said “love” but not “I love you” so what does that even mean? I love having you in my bed? I love being able to make sexy jokes with you? I love going sightseeing with you?”

Behind me, someone clears their throat. I close my eyes and inhale my embarrassment at being caught by Errol talking about his boss this way. “Errol, you are quieter than mice at church.” I swivel around on my chair.

The older man dips his head. “Yes, I am sorry about that. I didn’t hear anything you were saying, so you needn’t be concerned. I was wondering what you would like to have for lunch today.”

“I like everything you make, Errol.”

“I was thinking of a light salad with Mandarin dressing and toasted pecans followed by halibut in a butter sauce and finishing with a berry parfait.”

“You’re single, right? We could marry tonight.”

He blushes. “I believe we would need blood tests, so tonight might be premature. That and Carr would kill me, so while it’s a pleasurable thought, I suppose it should just remain that—a thought.”

I laugh. “You’re too cute, Errol. I promise to keep this between us. Let me go feed Violet and then put her down for a nap. I should be ready for lunch in about thirty minutes if all goes well.”

“I will premake the salad and wait until little Violet is asleep before starting the fish. It will only take—” He stops talking as the security panel in the kitchen winks on. The front door camera shows Megan and two men in police uniforms. We exchange worried looks, but I know what I have to do. The woman on the front step didn’t even give Violet a name and abandoned her with a bachelor. She’s not fit to parent a dog let alone this precious girl.

“I’ll take care of this.”

“Are you sure? At least let me take Violet.”

“No. Megan will want to see her. The officers too. Go on. I’ve got this.” With Violet in my arms, I go to the door. Megan pushes past me as soon as I open it.


