Bad Apple Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saints MC, #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 71289 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

What the hell had been up with him? And who didn’t turn around and face the doors when they were in elevators.

Creeps, that’s who.

Looking over my shoulder as I walked out through the main doors, I was thankful not to see him anymore.

Which was why I went to the truck instead of asking one of the security guys to walk with me like I probably should have. Especially when my gut churned with nerves, and my head was screaming at me to ask for an escort.

Thinking I would be just fine, I started weaving through the parking spots until I finally reached the truck.

Why Apple had to park so freakin’ far away was beyond me, but I was winded with how fast I’d walked in order to hurry.

I’d just opened the back door to the truck when I felt someone creep up close to my side, likely wanting into their car.

“Sorry,” I said when I sensed someone close. “These parking spaces sure are tiny, aren’t they?”

Whoever it was didn’t reply, so I looked up and immediately felt ice drift through my veins.

“Get in the truck,” he demanded, pointing at the backseat.

I swallowed at the sight of the man in the elevator.

“I can’t,” I denied.

“You can,” he informed me, lifting his jacket enough that I could see the gun he had hidden there. “Or I’ll make you. Your choice.”

I looked from him to the gun again, and then said, “You’ll have to make me.”

Chapter 22

Wicked chickens lay deviled eggs.

-Coffee Cup


A knock sounded on the door that was the only thing shielding my balls from the rest of the office, and I looked over at the doctor that had this fucking burning tool so close to my cock.

“You gonna get that?” I asked him.

“Yeah,” he answered, leaning forward slightly. “As soon as I finish this one part.”

The nurse that was helping looked over at me sympathetically.

“Dr. Norris hates interruptions,” she smiled sympathetically. “He’s on a schedule, and when people interrupt him, he has to get off that schedule.”

“Schedules are made for a reason, Bridget. You should try to follow one sometime and you wouldn’t be late to the office and interrupt my schedule every morning,” he countered without looking at either of us.

I snorted and brought Bridget’s eyes back to me.

“What Dr. Norris fails to mention is that I bring him coffee every morning, which is why I’m late to begin with,” she informed me.

“What my wife fails to mention is that she could ride to work with me, if she would only be ready on time,” he said. “But she’s constantly late, and I leave her behind most mornings.”

I would’ve replied, but the door opened without permission, bringing my attention away from Dr. Norris and Bridget, and to the lady that was, for some reason, holding my baby.

“Done! Bridget, please remove the sterile field, and we’ll get him up and moving,” Dr. Norris said. “Katrina, you better have a good reason for barging into this procedure room.”

I didn’t wait for Bridget to clear the field, I ripped the dressing off that was covering everything but my balls, and stood.

Katrina’s eyes went wide at my cock hanging free, but something in the way she’d looked at me the moment she walked through the door had my heart nearly beating out of my chest.

“Where’s Kitt?” I barked, walking to the chair that held my pants and yanking them on.

I ignored the fact that my balls screamed at me for that sudden movement.

“You need to sit down and wait until the glue at least dries,” Dr. Norris scolded me. “Katrina, spit out whatever you need to say and get out!”

“I haven’t seen your wife. I called security when she didn’t come back, and they said some woman was abducted from the parking lot. I’m not sure if the woman is Kitt, but my gut says it is.”

My eyes took in Emily, and a sense of relief so great hit me so hard and fast that I staggered as I buttoned my pants.

With Emily not being with Kitt, she’d be able to fight harder. She wouldn’t be so worried about Emily that she’d forget to take care of herself.

“You really need to sit down, Sir,” Bridget urged. “You’re going to be a little woozy for the first hour or so, until all the medications we gave you wear off.”

I ignored her, took a seat, and shoved my feet into my boots.

Once they were laced, I sat back up, grabbed my cut off the chair where the rest of my belongings had been and walked to Katrina.

“You okay with my baby?” He asked.

Katrina nodded hurriedly. “I am,” she promised.

I nodded, pressed a kiss to Emily’s forehead as she watched me curiously, then hurried down to the parking lot, my balls pinching with each stride I took.

By the time I made it to the first floor, I’d managed to call not only Peek, Wolf, Griffin, Casten and Mig, but the Sheriff as well.


