Bad Apple Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saints MC, #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 71289 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

“What are you doing?” I asked him.

“Riding to the doctor’s office,” he answered back almost immediately.

I blinked, surprised.

“You’re what?” I asked. “You can’t do that.”

“Sure as fuck can if I want to,” he muttered.

“What about us?” I asked. “How are we going to get there?”

“You’re not,” he said, starting his bike up and riding away before I could toss in another argument.

I snorted and walked to Ridley’s new truck, buckling Emily into her car seat before walking around the front of the truck and getting inside.

I waited for about two minutes before Apple came back, parked next to the truck and got out, an annoyed look on his face.

He got into the truck without a word, slammed the door shut and started the truck up before backing sedately out of the driveway.

“You’re just lucky I like this truck,” he muttered darkly.

I snorted, turning my eyes to look out the window, noticing a car almost immediately parked about a hundred yards up from our house.

“Do you think they’re broken down?” I asked, noticing the man in the front seat.

His eyes stayed locked on mine as we passed, and a shiver tore through me at the anger in the man’s eyes.

The woman’s eyes looked at me pleadingly, and my head notched slightly to the side when I saw the resemblance between her and me.

“Doubt it,” he said. “I saw them pulling into the street when I turned out of it, and it was idling as I passed it by on the way back in.

I turned my head to study him.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked him again.

He turned and his gaze connected with mine, smiles breaking out on both of our faces when a loud gurgle-scream pierced the silence between us from the backseat.

“I’m sure,” he answered, finality ringing clear in his tone. “Never thought I’d get the one kid, and I don’t want to go through that again with you.”

I nodded in understanding.

“Just as long as you’re sure,” I reached for his hand.

He gave it willingly, and we held hands all the way to the doctor’s office that would be performing Apple’s vasectomy.

He held it all the way up until we shut the truck off, even backing up single-handedly into the parking spot furthest from the door.

“Is there a reason we have to walk all the way across the parking lot when there were about ten parking spots closer?” I asked him.

He winked at me and got out, opening Emily’s door and pulling her out, car seat and all.

I got the bag that was behind my seat, and we walked hand in hand to the office.

I never really put much thought into how sexy Apple actually was, but as we walked through the hospital corridor to the office where his procedure would be performed, he got not one, not two, but at least fifteen head turns from women of varying ages.

“You turned the head of every woman you passed since we got in here,” I informed him as we got into the elevator.

“Likely, it was the patch,” he pointed to his cut.

I snorted.

“That’s it,” I rolled my eyes.

He tossed me a sideways look, and I giggled.

“More than likely, it was those pants that you can almost see through,” I told him.

He tossed me a look that clearly said he disagreed.

“They told me to wear something loose,” he said. “I put these on because I have nothing but knit shorts, and those don’t look good with my cut.”

I rolled my eyes again.

The man was vain as hell about that cut.

He never went anywhere without it, and honestly, it didn’t bother me much. It was just annoying. If I wanted to run to Sonic for an ice cream cone, he had to get completely dressed to do it, instead of wearing his shorts and a t-shirt like any other normal man in America.

No matter, he was proud as hell of that cut, and so was I. It was a symbol of Apple’s growth. His step forward that changed both of our lives without his even meaning it to.

So yeah, I was proud as hell of that cut, too.

“Fuck,” Apple muttered when the elevator doors slid open.

I tossed him a look, one that I hoped conveyed all my love and pride that I had for him and what he was doing.

We arrived at the glass doors that led to the receptionist, and I smiled wide when I saw a girl that used to be in my paralegal classes before I’d dropped out.

“Now,” she said excitedly. “I’ve been waiting for months to meet the kiddo that led you out of that hell hole!”

I laughed and gestured for Apple to turn the car seat around for Katrina to see.

“Ohhhh,” she whispered, leaning clear out the window. Looking up at Apple, she grinned. “She’s the spitting image of you!”


