Auctioned to the Lumberjacks Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 61868 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 309(@200wpm)___ 247(@250wpm)___ 206(@300wpm)

Skye scuttles off, returning five minutes later in jeans, boots, and a blue plaid shirt over a white tank. She's scraped her hair into a high ponytail, which swings as she strides purposefully toward us. West's mouth drops open slightly but then he clears his throat and heads to the door.

Silently, we make our way along the path. I watch her soak in everything about the forest, her eyes bright and wide. West walks ahead of us, his big arms swinging at his sides with an air of detachment. He's my buddy—well, more like a brother—so I know he doesn't mean anything by it, but he's coming across as reserved and severe to Skye. I pull back to be next to her and enjoy seeing the forest through her fresh eyes. She’s tiny amidst the mighty cedars that surround us.

She inhales deeply and slowly exhales in the same appreciative way I do, taking in the scents and the coolness of the shaded air.

I'm struck with the urge to take her hand in mine, but I don't because that's not what she's here for. She signed up for the money, not for a fake romance with an affection-starved lumberjack. I need to get it clear in my mind.

She’s here to serve our needs.

So why do I feel so much like I want to scoop her up and keep her safe?

As if she senses my thoughts, she turns and smiles shyly at me.

Skye catches herself and quickly snaps her head away.

Her beauty is fragile almost, made up of delicate elfin features and pale skin. Her nose tips up at the end, and her rosebud lips are the same pink as a tiny flower that grows wild, their fullness giving her a sensual quality. Skye must feel me watching her because she turns towards me again and gives me another shy smile.

There is already a connection between us.

The gesture ignites a feeling deep inside me. Her vulnerability is clear even though she's working hard to put on a show of strength.

Why has she agreed to this contract? Maybe she's seeking a place of escape and a sense of peace here like the rest of us? More likely, it's all about the money.

The rumble of voices and machinery in the distance grows slowly closer, and we soon reach the clearing up ahead. I spot Jack over with the rest of the crew. He’s usually the first up at the cabin and the first on-site. I'm not sure if he even sleeps half the time. His face is etched with exhaustion, which worries me. He visibly bristles when he lays eyes on Skye, his steely eyes narrowing with disapproval.

The men all turn when they see us approach, and I can't shake the image of a pack of hungry dogs as I raise my hand in greeting. Skye stops as if rooted to the floor. Does she sense it, too? The clear air suddenly takes on a tangible, thick feel, almost suffocating and clearly makes Skye feel uneasy. She shrinks back, waiting for me to pass so I'm in between her and the group. I keep her close.

"What kept you? Or do I even need to ask? Who’s this beauty?" Nathan removes his hard hat and shakes out his shaggy hair. His eyes twinkle, but he’s rough around the edges and must seem intimidating to Skye.

"Steady, bro! She's spoken for. And so are you, so get back in your cage." There is a rumble of laughter as Marcus adds his usual brand of humor to the moment.

Marcus and Nathan are brothers but like chalk and cheese.

"This ain't the time for ogling. We've got targets to hit today." Aiden is the oldest crew member and acts as deputy to Jack's Head Honcho, although it's all unofficial. He’s a steadying presence, and I’m not sure what would happen without him.

Put together a group of testosterone-fueled men, and before you know it, a pecking order has formed.

And a pack mentality. It can have its advantages and disadvantages.

Ethan steps away from the group, and, in moments, his tall, lean frame is right on top of us.

"Protecting your prize, Finnie boy? Not gonna share the goods?" He lunges forward and grabs Skye by the arm, grazing her breast and tugging her towards him. His breath radiates the stale stench of liquor and tobacco, and I doubt he has showered in days. Why bother when you have to drive thirty minutes to the nearest bar for the very remote chance of female company?

Skye gasps and twists to break free from his aggressive grip and drops to her knees as he lets her go. Ethan laughs with a deep, menacing rumble, and I step forward without thinking, knocking him to the ground with one fist. I turn and offer my other hand out to Skye, who reaches in return so I can pull her to her feet. She turns away from the group, looking up at me, panic widening her eyes and tears threatening.


