Anarchist Season 2 Book 4 Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 15
Estimated words: 13096 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 65(@200wpm)___ 52(@250wpm)___ 44(@300wpm)

I kept my eye on all of them, but they weren't giving away shit, just business as usual as us men stood around in a circle shooting the shit. I was almost tempted to believe that I'd been wrong, that I was accusing my friends wrongfully, but there was just something in the air that I couldn't shake.

If it were anyone else, I wouldn't worry. Normally if I tell someone to stay out of my shit, I'd have no worries about them leaving that shit alone, but even if Creed took a step back at my say-so, Lyon's a whole other ballgame.

I didn't find it strange when almost two hours into the festivities some of the guys started shooting up in the air, that's a big thing around these parts. The babies had already been bedded down at my place since it's the closest, both Lily and Lawton Jr. And since there were no kids around, things were starting to get lively.

I tried picking up shit from the women, but they were acting too relaxed… wait, Kat. I clocked her clocking her man. I can always tell when Lyon's up to some shit; she's his tell. If she weren't here, she'd be on the phone calling me if he were up to something, but she's right here in my line of sight, and she's definitely jumpy about something.

I grinned, and he caught it. "The fuck are you grinning at Law?" I could understand his confusion since we were in the middle of discussing the asshole hate brigade and how we were gonna get rid of them once and for all.

"What're you up to, Lyon?" He followed my line of vision and looked from his wife back to me. He's so fucking smart he got it without me having to explain, just one look at her and he knew what I saw. He gritted his teeth, and I laughed out loud about to dig into him before I saw the flashing lights over the wall.

"What the fuck? Chaz, I think we have company." I only had to pull up the security camera on my phone to see the asshole sheriff and one other squad car pulling up to my place. I was tempted to leave his ass out there, but that dumb fuck would stay there all night until I answer him.

"Open it, Chaz!" He opened the double steel gates as I walked forward. I'll open the gate, but that fuck wasn't coming inside, he could stand out there and say whatever the fuck he has to say. I felt the others at my back as the hump climbed out of the car and walked towards me.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from my place? What do you want?" I kept my arms folded to prevent myself from going after his neck. Every time I see him, it all comes rushing back, the slaughter of my family, the fact that he did nothing, and probably played a more significant part than just standing back and letting it happen, the hate I feel for him and all involved.

He had that stupid look on his face he always wears when the thinks he's got me. I wonder what the lying fuck is up to this time. He can't be here because I went looking for Junior the night before, how the fuck would he know? And besides, it's not a crime.

He tugged on his pants in a vain attempt to get it up over his protruding gut as he waddled his ass over to me. All it took was me spreading my legs in a defensive stance to kill his bluster. He stopped a good few feet in front of me and started his blubbering shit.

"Whatever dialect that is you're speaking, I don't understand." Scared fuck! "I keep telling you I don't speak little bitch asshole." If he could shoot me, I'd be dead. Lyon and the others weren't making things any better with their laughing shit. I looked back at them with a half-ass glare, barely restraining my own laughter.

"I said we received a complaint about a disturbance out here at the ranch."

"What kind of disturbance? There isn't another house within miles of my place."

"Well that's just it, someone saw and heard fireworks coming from over here. As you know, fireworks and such are illegal in these parts."

He made some kind of grunting sound in his throat, like a greedy fuck at his meal, his squinty eyes rolling from side to side like the rat that he is. It took me a minute to figure out what the fuck the idiot was talking about.

"Those were gunshots asshole. Fireworks might be illegal, but my Glock ain't." I purposely pulled my piece from its place in my back and waved it in his face. He took a step forward, and I moved into his path, blocking him.


