Anarchist Season 2 Book 4 Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 15
Estimated words: 13096 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 65(@200wpm)___ 52(@250wpm)___ 44(@300wpm)

I know and trust that Colt's the same way, so when he called, I didn't ask any questions, nothing more than who and where. And knowing that my cuz had a hand in it made that shit even more legit as far as I'm concerned.

Hank is my blood, so I know how he rolls. He's been trying to get me involved in his shit here of late something I should've expected since we pretty much think alike, but he's too clean-cut for me. Even though he hates the law as much as I do, his shit's still borderline legal, where mine is all shades of fucking grey.

"Will you be back tonight?"

"Yeah, maybe late, but I'll get back to you." I never leave her home alone when the kids are gone; my woman hates being by herself. I kissed her hair and rolled out of her arms to stand next to the bed.

"Don't leave this house while I'm gone, you need anything call, dad. I'm leaving a few of the guys behind to watch your ass, so none of your sneaky shit." She fluffed the pillow under her head and grinned up at me sleepily. Her ass still gets into shit if I'm not here to watch her.

"Hurry back then. I think I'll invite the girls over for a little cookout in the backyard."

"Sounds good, but tell them to leave their men at home." I don't like other dicks around my woman when I'm not here. I don't care if the fucks are married to her girls or not; I don't trust one fuck.

Over the years, there've been more divorce and cheating scandals among her friends to make an R-rated soap opera, nope. "And don't smoke all my shit, at least leave me some this time." She laughed out loud and rolled around on the bed. Probably remembering the last time she and her girls got into my stash.

Speaking of which I have to hit up old man Lyon soon. His shit is some of the best I've ever had. He and his granddaughter have been experimenting with the shit, and I've got to say they do shit with cannabis I don't think even the experts have thought of. I'm trying to talk him into letting me sell that shit since it's now legal, but he's dragging his feet. I'm not giving up that easily, though; we could make a mint with that shit.

I headed into the shower, and she was fast asleep when I came back out. I leaned over and kissed her sleeping lips before heading for the door, pulling my phone on my way out.

"Dad, I gotta make a run for Colt."

"What now?"

"Nothing to worry about, just one of his boys need a solid."

"Hey, is your cousin still running around with those guys?"

"You'd know the answer to that better than I."

Old fuck still keeps his nose and hands in everybody's shit. Ever since he got cousin, Hank mixed up with Colt and his new friends; he's been worse than an old woman. I figure it's to jeep his ass outta the sling because if something went wrong, my aunt would have his balls for getting her son involved.

"Where's my daughter?"

"She's asleep, I'm leaving a few of the guys here to watch over her, but she knows to call you if she needs anything."

"Okay, I'll be here, you watch your ass, I don't want to have to come out of retirement." He threatens that shit at least once a week.


* * *

I'm not trusting this shit, one fuck! I looked around at the BBQ pits that were already smoking and the men and women who stood around my yard. I'm not sure even Dana-Sue, who was the one to come to me with the idea for the impromptu get together, knew what was really going on.

After I'd caught Lyon and the others with their heads together this afternoon, I've been on high alert, but they weren't giving away anything, even Kyle, who I could usually threaten into telling me the truth.

That boy had grown up way too fast in the last year or so, something I regret but understand. He's my little brother, the only one of my blood left after the massacre, but he's still a man. Now he has our cousin here to back his plays I can't keep a leash on either of their asses.

I didn't suspect anything right away when Dana-Sue came to me with the idea, but as time went by, I started to get that feeling. Lyon's sneaky ass is up to something. I'm not sure what, though, since he'd turned my place into a damn circus with every man and woman on the ranch in attendance.

The music was loud, the liquor was flowing, and the women looked happy. Supposedly it was to celebrate the birth of my son, but knowing how she likes to plan everything down to the last little detail, I'm not buying it.


