Anarchist Season 2 Book 3 Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 17
Estimated words: 15007 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 75(@200wpm)___ 60(@250wpm)___ 50(@300wpm)

Then of course my mind went to all the horror stories people couldn’t wait to share about all the shit that could go wrong during labor. The thought of her or my kid dying freaked me the fuck out and that was enough for me.

“Fuck this!” I pushed the door open and all heads turned my way. “What the fuck?” She looked like she’d gone a round with a title weight boxer. “Everybody out, I got her.”

They looked at the doc who had the good sense to nod, and they all trooped their asses out of the room leaving just me, doc and her assistant who stayed back to help.

“Okay babe I’m here.” I took her hand and brought her focus to me. Her eyes were glazed over with pain, and her hair matted to her head with sweat. But it was the look in her eyes that tied my guts into knots.

I’ve never been so scared in my life but I had to keep that shit under control for her sake. Hers and my kid’s. So I bit it back as I held her eyes with mine, trying in vain to give her my strength to get her through this hell.

“You’re going to be okay, I know you’re scared, that’s natural, but just imagine our son in your arms and all the shit he’s going to get up to around here until the little shit goes off to college.”

She laughed weakly but of course she couldn’t let me have the last word. “She is going to be a little angel just like her mama.” My ass! Doc Sommers snickered and gave her a ‘looking good; give me one more push.’

Dana Sue puffed like a thoroughbred coming in for the stretch and bore down while squeezing the shit out of my hand. Fuck where did she get all that strength? She damn near tore the shit off while strangling it to death.

Doc talked her through another contraction and I wiped her sweaty brow while whispering words of encouragement and love. In that moment I realized how useless we men really are when it comes to this shit. All the words put together couldn’t do a damn thing to help her. Fuck!

I heard noise outside the window; someone was at the gates. Five minutes later I heard Lyon’s voice and for some reason that relaxed me. He and Kat have been running all over the place because the women had made some sort of pact and since Kat was the only mother in the bunch she was the one they all turned to, the one they all wanted there when they gave birth.

We’d all been down to Georgia when it was the SEALs women’s turn, those fucks. Only Tyler wasn’t losing his shit because he got a girl too. Now Zak had two, Lo, Cord and Con had one each and last I heard, Quinn and Devon were waiting for theirs to be born.

Nothing but fucking babies; even Creed had got in on the game. His was due any day now but he’d forbidden the doctor to tell his wife what they were having.

I think the dumb fuck thought that would make a difference. Either that or he was planning on leaving it in there if it didn’t have balls.



* * *

The door opened behind me and Kat walked in. “I’m sorry Dana Sue, that husband of mine…. Never mind, I’m here now.” She all but pushed me out of the way until she realized I wasn’t about to budge, so she took her pain in the ass self over to the other side of the bed.

“How is she doing doctor?” The doc gave her a rundown on what was going on. Something about centimeters, and what the fuck ever which she seemed to understand. I just kept my focus on my wife while they talked but I have to admit she seemed a lot more relaxed now that Kat was here.

Ten minutes later the kid came screaming into the world and I didn’t breathe until I heard the words ‘it’s a boy’. “Yes! Thank fuck… I mean, thank you baby you did good.” The other three looked at me like they wanted to gut me.

I felt like laughing and didn’t know why and then I smothered my wife with kisses while my heart beat wildly in my chest. “Thank you baby.” I wiped the tears from cheeks and kissed her one last time while behind me there was a lot of bustling around in the room.

I left the bedroom, or was thrown out so they could clean her up, but I was allowed to take my boy with me after his mother held him and the nurse cleaned him up.

The guys and their women crowded around me to get a look as soon as I cleared the door and I never felt so proud as I did while showing off my boy. My boy! I think it was going to take a while for that to settle in.


