A Million to Blow (Million to Blow #1) Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Million to Blow Series by Blue Saffire

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 89592 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 448(@200wpm)___ 358(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

Just like now. I look into her eyes as I go to reassure her. This girl has become such a big part of my life. When Chloe and Ally’s mother died, I never thought twice about helping Chloe out. We became a team. They’re my sisters.

When Ally was selected to go to Europe this summer, I was so proud of her. She works so hard to be the best flutist she can be and it’s paying off big time. Yet, she’s here. The realization of what that means slams into me. This has all hit home like a ton of bricks.

“They sent you home,” I gasp, my brows drawing in.

It’s more of a statement, not a question. The trip was through her school. No enrollment, no school, no trip. My heart hurts, and I stagger back, but Clayton’s big body appears behind me before my legs can give.

I turn in his arms and look up at him. I feel like I’ve been duped. He promised to take care of this. I narrow my eyes up at him.

“I know what you’re thinking. That’s not why she’s here. I’ve taken care of the situation with her school as promised,” Clayton explains calmly.

“Then, why is she here?” I snap.

Clayton smirks, looking over my head. “It seems Ally has some other things we need to take care of,” he replies and winks at her over my head.

I spin to face Ally. She’s biting her lip as something at her feet has become very, very interesting. I go into mom mode. Ally has put me and Chloe through some shit a time or two. This is no band geek standing before me.

There was a time I wasn’t sure if Ally was a Blood, Crip, Latin Queen, or a Netã. We moved away from the old neighborhood to get her away from all the gangs before she fell into them for sure, but that didn’t keep her away from her friends. I’m surprised Chloe and I don’t have heads full of gray hair.

If it weren’t for her music, I don’t know if we would have kept her on track at all. Ally tends to make friends with trouble.

“Ally, what the hell is going on?” I fold my arms over my chest.

“Something came up.” She sighs, still avoiding eye contact.

“Yeah, I think I got that from Clayton. I’m asking you what?”

Just then, Ally’s stomach growls so loud, I lift a brow. She finally looks up at me through her lashes. A little smile is on her lips.

“I’m sort of starving,” she says sheepishly.

“I’ll take you out for food.” The last person I thought would offer speaks up.

I whip my head toward Cane. His eyes are locked on Ally. There’s something in his eyes I can’t put my finger on.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Ally hisses.

I turn to look at her, then back at Cane. He now has a cocky grin on his lips. My patience is fried. I want to know what the hell is going on with Ally.

“You know him?” I ask, turning back to Ally and thumbing over my shoulder at Cane.

“No,” she grumbles.

“Yes,” Cane purrs at the exact same time.

Ally makes a sour face and narrows her eyes at him. If I were Cane, I’d run in the other direction. She gives him such a death glare I think she’s going to lunge at him.

“Well, which is it?” I huff in impatience.

“It seems it’s a small world. We do know each other,” Cane croons.

“You don’t know me,” Ally says in a deadly calm that has my mouth falling open.

“You two can go do whatever you were going to do. My little friend and I will grab a bite and catch up,” Cane says silkily.

I keep my eyes on Ally. She tilts her head to the side, studying Cane like he’s her prey. She looks coiled for a fight. I shake my head, not having any of this.

“No, I don’t think so.” I turn and snap at Cane.

He waves me off, not even bothering to look away from Ally. The sly smile on his face says he doesn’t have the good sense to know Ally is set to rip him apart. I should let her. His arrogant butt is starting to piss me off as well.

“David will go with them. Ally has been with him all day,” Clayton breaks into the exchange.

I turn to face him, placing my hands on my hips. I go to open my mouth, but a loud slap sounds across the room. I turn to look for Ally, but she’s no longer standing where I left her. I turn to where Cane was. He’s now rubbing his cheek while Ally stands in front of him with her fists balled.

“What’s with the women in that family?” Clayton chuckles. “Let’s go.”

I turn to him to find him shaking his head at Ally and Cane, amusement lighting his gray eyes. I don’t find anything funny about this situation and I’m not leaving Ally here with Cane. Nope, not happening, not a chance.


