A Dagger of Twisted Starlight – Marvels and Magic Read Online Max Walker

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 75539 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 378(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

And yet here I was, an awkward virgin who didn’t know how to make the first move or pick up on signals. The thought of making a fool of myself again prevented me from seriously considering that something could be bubbling up between us. It was all a fantasy. One that would end when Xavier’s job was over.

Damn. What a sad day that would be.

The rest of the family had joined us at the table. Xavier’s brothers and sister gathered the moment they found out what happened, along with their partners. I sat across from Damien and Robby, trying not to focus on his smooth, porcelain-like skin. Yes, he was a vampire, but he was nothing like the one who’d attacked us at Kalen’s house.

I looked down at the bandage around my forearm, where the vamp had sunk her fangs into me. I’d fully heal by tomorrow, at least physically, but mentally, that would take much longer. I wondered if my therapist would be available for a FaceTime call.

“How’s it feel?” Xavier asked me. He looked down at my arm, concerned.

“A little sore but fine overall. Still shaken.”

“It’s okay, you’re safe.” Xavier put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side.

“You’re right. I am.”

“You are.”

I leaned my head on his shoulder. My heart rate slowed, and the slight tremble in my hands and the tightness in my chest eased. He was like an aloe balm spread across a raw burn. “Thanks for saving me back there.”

“It’s my job, remember?”

“Well, you’re great at your job.”

“Does that mean I get a promotion?”

“What’s above being a bodyguard?”

Xavier shrugged. “A body worshipper?”

My heart froze. Literally stopped beating. I coughed. Cleared my throat. Lifted my head and looked into his expressive gaze. A dark curl of hair fell onto his forehead.

He continued, his grin mischievous, his voice low so that his family wouldn’t hear over the general chatter in the room. “I’m certain I’d be just as good at it.”

“You’ll need to have another interview for that.”

“Pencil me in for later this evening, then.”

Holy fuck. His hungry stare drilled a hole directly through my soul, lighting me on fire. The anxiety I’d been feeling gave way to something else. A simmer in my body that made me hyperaware of the pulsing that began between my legs. I sat up straight, pressing my legs together. He couldn’t be serious.

Could he?

“I’ll see if I can clear my schedule,” I teased, hoping he didn’t look down. If he did, he’d notice how ready I was for this interview.

Claire clinked a fork against her glass. Our attention was drawn to the head of the table, where she sat. She wore her hair loose, falling down over her shoulders in dark waves, onto the charcoal-gray robe she had on. Two golden necklaces glittered against her skin, matching the thick golden snake bracelet on her wrist. “Pizza’s been devoured, and wine’s been downed, so I’m thinking now would be a good time to talk about what brought us all here.”

Warrick pushed his glasses up from the tip of his nose. He was the youngest brother and one who had instantly clicked with me. We had the same energy, and I appreciated that. “Yes, I agree. Now, one by one, everyone go around the table and tell me why I’m so awesome. Dawn, since you’re rolling your eyes, you go first.”

Dawn laughed and nudged her little brother with a shoulder. “You’re awesome because you keep my plants alive when I’m away. There. Now, let’s get to the bigger topic.”

“Fair enough,” Warrick said, sitting back.

“Xavier, want to give us a rundown on what happened today?” Maddox asked. Sea-blue scales glittered above his dark brown eyebrows. He sat next to his partner, Caleb, who had a hand on Maddox’s forearm. They were a cute couple. I started to wonder how these dragon boys were so lucky at finding their perfect match when I couldn’t even get someone to take my virginity.

Xavier started from the beginning. Cassius and I didn’t have to add much, his version of events being spot-on. When he finished, the table had grown completely silent.

“Fuck,” Robby said.

“Yeah, exactly,” I replied. There were some chuckles that rose from the table.

“So they’re after you?” Claire asked. She looked out the window with a pensive look. “Interesting…”

“We all thought they were after me. I thought the attack on the White House was because of me, but it’s been Xavier this entire time.”

Dawn cocked her head as she looked at her girlfriend. “What is it, hon?”

“It’s well… odd timing. There was another reason why I wanted us to get together today. Not just because of the attack, but because I found something out. There’d been rumors floating in my whisper networks. Rumors about the Chaos King.”

“What is it?” Damien asked, leaning forward on the table. He twisted a silver ring around his finger.


