A Dagger of Twisted Starlight – Marvels and Magic Read Online Max Walker

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 75539 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 378(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

The other man, who appeared to be just a human, moved forward. There was a hesitation in his steps, a shake in the hand holding the dagger.

Cassius must have seen his opening. He grabbed a heavy ceramic lamp and threw it at the man, hitting him directly in the head. The vase shattered. The man lurched backward, hand dropping the dagger and going up to stop the bleeding from the side of his head. Snarls came from my left as Blake rolled on the floor with the vampire. He gave a pained yelp, the vamp sinking her fangs into his leg.

I have to get up. I have to fight.

My muscles were gaining strength. I fought through the toxin. Another yelp from Blake made me push up. The vampire had lifted him in the air. She tossed him across the room, his back slamming into the wall with a sickening thud, dropping him down to the ground. Rachel figurines rained down on him from the broken shelf. He barely moved. Whimpers escaped his bleeding jaw as the vampire lunged forward, fangs bared.

The desperation to fight, to protect him, consumed me. It burned through the Dragonsbane. I stood on trembling legs. I pushed past the haze, summoning every ounce of strength inside me. I was a dragon. I had ancient power running through my veins. I was my mother’s son. A golden dragon just like me. One of the strongest known to the world.

The room slowed. Time itself bent to my will. I couldn’t rewind far enough to stop the attack, but I could prevent Blake from taking that hit. He flew back into the air, back onto the vampire. They landed with Blake having the advantage. But not for long.

I ran toward him. Seconds still inched by. I grabbed Blake around his chest and lifted him off the vampire, setting him down on the floor next to us.

The seconds quickened. The vampire appeared confused as her cold eyes settled on me. Time snapped back into place like a rubber band. I grabbed the vamp by the throat, lifted her into the air, and threw her at the same wall she’d thrown Blake. She hit it with the same crack but didn’t fall to the floor. She gasped for air before her head snapped to her left, honing in on a defenseless Kalen.

She was thirsty. She moved like lightning, swiveling around and sinking her teeth directly into Kalen’s aorta. She yanked back, blood spraying through the air. Some splattered on my cheek. Her face was covered in it, her smile growing.

“Oh my god,” Blake said. He’d shifted out of wolf form. He had a bruise forming on his cheek and blood dripping from a scratch on his arm. Across the room, Cassius had subdued the human. He had a knee pressing down into the small of his back, holding his arms down. The human wasn’t moving.

The vamp wouldn’t be as easy to subdue.

I decided to try a little bargaining. “If you’re here for me, then let the others go.” At least then, I could get Blake and Cassius to safety. Getting them out of here was my top priority.

The vampire ran her thumb across her lips. She sucked it into her mouth, smiling. “Now you’ve got me hungry. I believe you may be the only one leaving here alive.” Blood dripped down her chin, falling onto the white leather shirt she wore. A Time Turner patch had been sewn onto a pocket.

She produced two onyx-black blades from hilts hidden against her dark jeans. They flashed as she bolted toward me, holding her arms like an X. The daggers looked sharp enough to slice through my ribs.

I reached into my core and focused on the power that simmered inside me. I lifted my hand, a column of solid sand rising up in front of me as I did so. The daggers sunk into the sand and sliced outward. The column collapsed. I rammed a fist directly into the vampire’s chest, using my forearm to block another hit. She gasped for air and dropped one of the daggers. I twisted the arm holding the other and snatched it from her. Another twist and a spin and the vamp was up against my chest.

I held her there, one arm around her neck and the other holding the dagger against her skull. Vampires could easily heal a wound that would be lethal to anyone else, but only if their brain was still intact.

“Do it, dragon. Kill me. There will be others. And they will be successful.”

“Where is your base? Tell me, and I’ll deliver myself to them.”

She stayed quiet. Her breaths were slow. Even with death staring her in the face, she was still in full control. Shouldn’t be surprising for someone who’d conquered death once already.


