A Bad Girl’s Lesson – The Institute Read Online Emily Tilton

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 66851 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 334(@200wpm)___ 267(@250wpm)___ 223(@300wpm)

The word fuck died on my lips. My heart kicked up another notch, feeling like it wanted to burst out of my chest. My eyes went from one bearded face to the other: brown hair of a very similar shade, close-cropped on both heads, a neater, closer beard on the left, a fuller one on the right… both faces…

My lips parted, my breath quickening at the sheer masculine gorgeousness of both these firefighters’ faces. They wore jeans and white t-shirts, and their biceps bulged out of their sleeves. I had to swallow hard, again, to keep from whimpering at the way the sight of their bodies affected me.

“I’m Daddy Phil,” said the one who had just warned me not to swear.

My jaw dropped, and for some reason I found myself swallowing yet again, which is not easy to do with your mouth wide open. My eyes kept going back and forth, too, opening wider and wider as I tried to figure out just what the fuck was going on.

Daddy… punished every day… don’t make it worse…

I managed to close my mouth. I started to speak without any idea what I meant to say.

“I…” Before my voice could trail completely away into the nothingness guaranteed by the complete emptiness in my brain, the guard in the passenger seat started to speak to… them. The firefighters. The huge, muscular firefighters who had each independently just called themselves Daddy.

“So it seems like you guys know that this is Marianne Givens, your new SRD.”

My mind struggled with the abbreviation. The doctor had said something that must be related, hadn’t he?

“She’s in scrubs,” the guard continued, “just so she doesn’t get any cuts or anything before you guys take delivery.”

My mouth opened again, and my breath came in and out in quick pants as take delivery added itself to the strange new list of things that sounded completely innocent but that, when applied to me, sent an utterly unwelcome thrill of shame and helpless arousal shooting through my nervous system.

“Sure,” said the one who had called himself Daddy Jacob, the one with the deeper voice, the fuller beard, and the brown eyes.

“And you know to take her clothes away as soon as you get her inside, right?”

“Jesus,” I heard myself say, though frankly I seemed more and more often to become a different person, or maybe no one at all, when these assholes talked about me as if I were…

What? A fuck toy? A… It came back, from the doctor’s office. A sexual relief device.


“Yup,” Daddy Phil said, his eyes still fixed on me as he answered the guard. “Our colleagues already have one. We know she has to earn her clothes.”



It couldn’t actually be true, could it? Even as my mind reeled, denying what my ears told me, begging me to think it was all an awful locker-room-style joke, I had no idea how I could doubt it. The asshole doctor and his horrible nurse had made it clear all this shit was real.

Our colleagues already have one… and those words didn’t even represent the worst part.

Earn her clothes. Thinking about it felt like touching the third rail in the subway. It sent a zap of unwelcome thought… emotion… worst of all sensation… traveling through my limbs. Outward, all the way to my fingertips, from my pussy.

They got me out of the car. My muscles didn’t seem to be working. Part of my mind kept telling me to resist, somehow, but it didn’t seem worth it. These firefighters—Jacob and Phil… Daddy Jacob and Daddy Phil—they were just so big. What could I possibly do except make things worse for myself, the way “Daddy” Phil had already warned me not to do. If swearing would earn me more punishment, what would trying some stupid, fruitless kind of rebellion do?

Daddy Jacob put his arm around my shoulders, as if he could read my mind and knew a chance existed that I might do something foolish like try to break away and run across the asphalt towards… what? I thought I could see a chain link fence about a hundred meters away. Still, I felt my body shift inside the strong arm, resentfully, almost daring to try to pull away, even though…

Even though it felt kind of good. Really, maybe because it felt kind of good to have that kind of arm around my shoulders, despite the fact that the man attached to it had called himself Daddy and clearly intended…

Awful things. That’s all my brain could handle about the matter right now. As I heard the van start to drive away, I thought: awful things. These so-called “Daddies” may put their arms around my shoulder, but what they mean to do to me… just, awful things.

I saw the words over the garage doors: SELECTA SAFETY SERVICES, UNIT 6521. Ha. “Safety.” I felt the opposite of safe, right at the moment.


