A Bad Girl’s Lesson – The Institute Read Online Emily Tilton

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 66851 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 334(@200wpm)___ 267(@250wpm)___ 223(@300wpm)

“Don’t worry too much about it,” the doctor said, glancing up at me dispassionately. “Most girls find it uncomfortable the first few times, but it becomes easier and even quite pleasurable after regular anal sex.”



I felt the beak of the speculum there. I managed, using every bit of willpower I had left after what felt like a titanic struggle with myself, to keep the whimper inside my throat.

Do not look at Nurse Cathy. Do not look at Nurse Cathy.

I should have let the whimper escape, so that I had some inner strength left to fight the urge. Just as I felt the horrible thing start to enter my smallest hole, I lost the battle. My eyes went to the older woman’s face, and my whole body seemed to flare into heat at what I saw in her eyes: her sheer satisfaction at the knowledge of how my new firefighter daddies, whoever they were, would train my ass for their enjoyment, without the slightest regard for my own pleasure.

You’re a criminal, after all, said Nurse Cathy’s pitiless, vengeful eyes, still shining a little from the discomfort the doctor had visited on her own backside. Why should they do anything but fuck you up that cute girlish bottom, until you can’t walk right?

The speculum opened a millimeter, then two, then even more.

“Easy does it,” the doctor murmured, as if to himself. Then louder, to me, his tone turning reproachful, “Try to relax, Marianne. The better you get at relaxing these muscles, the easier a time you’re going to have when your supervisors are penetrating you here.”

“Just try to push,” Nurse Cathy added, in a tone of sympathy so obviously fake that I thought for a moment even the doctor might object. “Remember that your body knows how to open up there. You do it on the toilet every day.”

At least I had recovered enough impulse control that I stopped myself from looking at her again. I moved my eyes to an upper corner of the room, feeling my face go crimson as, simply to ease the discomfort of the speculum’s distending my anus, I did as the horrid nurse had suggested.

I felt the pain ease, at the expense of the flood of burning embarrassment that rose to engulf my upper body. Tears formed at the corners of my eyes, as if to mirror Cathy’s.

“There we go,” the doctor said approvingly. “Good girl. You look nice and healthy in here. I’m going to approve you to start your duties right away.”

Good girl. To my dismay, I simply couldn’t get the words, in the doctor’s deep voice, out of my head. The two guards who came to fetch me from the medical wing gave me pink scrubs to wear for the last leg of my journey through the corporate justice system. Once they had brought me down to the parking garage and led me to a white van with the familiar red block letters SELECTA on its side, they took off my gag, too, so I could drink and eat a little despite the plastic cuffs they put around my wrists before loading me on board.

“It goes right back on if you say anything, girly,” one of them warned me. “We’re not interested in your opinion.”

I did my best to send daggers back into his stupid face as I tore into the fast food burger he’d handed me. The simple fact that I couldn’t stop myself from eating it, not to mention how astonishingly good it tasted after days of jail food, brought good girl to the front of my mind yet again. Good girl, accepting what they give you. I swallowed down the first dismayingly delicious bite very hard as I felt the blood starting to mount into my cheeks, just at the way my tummy fluttered at the thought.

At least I didn’t have the slightest urge to speak to the guards during the hour-long van ride to the industrial complex on the outskirts of the city. I didn’t see how any information they might give me, even if they didn’t just simply put the gag back in my mouth, would do me any good. If Nurse Cathy had enjoyed herself feeding me her scary, mortifying little tidbits of information about the place the guards were taking me, I knew these meatheads would probably jump at the chance even more eagerly.

In fact, the guard who had given me the burger and the water bottle decided to do a little of that without any provocation from me. We had left the highway and turned into a neighborhood made of what looked like factories and heavy electrical equipment, but to my surprise I could see what looked like the edge of a forest not far away, trees rising up a hill into what looked like a park. Despite myself, I started to feel a little bit of hope, just at the sight of the natural world after my nightmare in the city, first at the executive’s intimidatingly luxurious apartment and then at the horrible justice facility.


