Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

My chin trembled.

Zane rolled me, reached behind to pull back the blanket, and rolled us again so that we were under the covers. I was tight against him. Oh God. This was even worse. He was cuddling me under the blankets with no shirt on and just wearing a pair of… I didn’t know because I hadn’t seen what he had on from the waist down, but I could feel his body heat through the silky pajamas.

“I’m sorry, Zane. I’ve had too much to drink. I don’t usually act like ---”

“Sleep, shortcake. We’ll talk in the morning.” He gave me a squeeze and a kiss on my forehead and then his lips stayed there as I nuzzled in.

Okay. We’d talk in the morning. In the morning when the clock would be ticking even louder for me. Fuck.

“Your wine is delicious, but it’s mean, Zane. Mean. But I do like cuddling with you.”

My eyes drifted shut.



Zane woke to an incessant sound of clicking. He’d been roused from a deep sleep with the tiny Tanya cuddling him. Her gorgeous flame-colored hair fanned out over his chest, a lock of it across his upper lip, her knee across his groin, meaning that he woke with an erection sprouting. He tightened his arm around her and scrubbed at his eyes with fingers from his free hand. It was still nighttime, but the clicking sound was ceaseless so wouldn’t let him drift back off.

That fucking pest in the cage at the bottom of the bed.

She wanted to keep it as a pet. She’d taken one look at it and melted for it. Named it, even.

The noise wasn’t making her rouse. Not a bit. Not surprisingly, though, since she was absolutely smashed drunk when she passed out.

Wine would have to be rationed with her in the future. Well, other than for possible playtime. She’d gotten quite amorous and uninhibited with him, likely in part due to the wine, though he suspected it’d come naturally with time as she got comfortable around him.

He was perplexed about how upset she was at his ceasing the festivities. He certainly could’ve let her focus her attentions on his rock-hard erection until he’d spent it, but Zane hadn’t been able to let go like that, not when they’d never been together before, not for their first time together. He was perfectly happy to have brought her to climax, finally getting a proper taste of her on his tongue. And he was looking forward to his next taste, as well. His pride wouldn’t allow him to let her reciprocate when it’d be over embarrassingly fast. He hadn’t figured out how he’d get past that first time yet so decided he’d rather just wait until they consummated their marriage and would be happy to take care of her in the meantime. He wondered if she’d be holding a grudge in the morning.

It certainly struck him as odd that she would be so upset about not getting to reciprocate. The fact that she refused to discuss it had been slightly unsettling, as he certainly didn’t want to start things off with her on that foot. His marriage to Arla was contentious, to say the least, from the day after the wedding until she sweet-talked Zane into the first pregnancy. After Jaya was born, Arla simply refused to argue about anything, stating her opinion on a matter and then using Jaya’s emotional wellbeing as a weapon in efforts to keep Zane agreeable.

As for sex, Arla wasn’t an overly sexual person. She liked her orgasms and was happy to have Zane give them to her but wouldn’t have balked about Zane ceasing the festivities if she’d already been satisfied. Arla would’ve rolled over and slept.

Arla would not have curled into him and slept there all night like Tanya had, wrapped around Zane the way that fuschilla baby wrapped around its mother or around Tanya, it’s new adoptive mother.

The click noises got louder, and Zane looked down at the mass of hair and the softly breathing Tanya on top of him and deduced she wouldn’t be waking up without effort due to how drunk she’d gotten.

Zane reached for his communications device on the table beside the bed, nearly rolling away from her, but she clung to him and went with him. He lifted it and accessed his home automation panel, ordering a bottle of substitute fuschilla milk be sent to the master bedroom.

Just then, he saw a blur of pink. The little thing had broken free of its’ cage and was sailing through the air pouncing, bouncing off the bed, hopping in their direction. It landed on Tanya’s hip and climbed up toward her face. It clicked. And clicked. And then wailed out a higher-pitched clicking. Within weeks the clicking would be replaced by screeching. That would not be fun if it was still with them, and Zane suspected it would be. He gave the little thing an annoyed look, detached from the sleeping woman in his bed and went to the nourishment machine and waited a minute before the machine delivered the bottle.


