Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

“I do.”

He moistened his lips and stared at my mouth. “You’re very sweet, Tanya. It’s one of the things that drew us to you.”

“I was so quiet; how could you tell?”

“Your expressions. Your face showed sorrow when others talked about their misfortunes. Your face showed joy when you talked about your hobbies. When you saw someone else talk happily, your face lit up, like you were happy that they were happy. Then when you got here, the expressions when my son jumped into your arms like he’d known you his entire short life… that gave me further confirmation.”

I smiled.

“How did you come to be here? I heard you speaking on the way over to the other girls at times, but you were usually quiet and only said a little about your background. I’d love for you to share with me. Can I get you something to eat?”

“I’m not hungry. Thank you. But I, um, was sent here as a … uh… punishment.” I rubbed my throat, which was quite warm from the juice.

Zane cocked his head to the side.

“I refused a sexual advance by a boss and when he wouldn’t stop, when he got increasingly aggressive about it, I filed a complaint about his unprofessional behavior.”

Zane’s eyebrows bolted upright, and he looked angry, but he kept listening.

“The person helping me, the human resources manager, she went missing. I think something bad happened to her.” I nibbled on my thumbnail.

“And you got sent here?”

I nodded.

“They told me I was being transferred to the library of a university. They insisted they were paying all my relocation expenses. But I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I actually tried to quit my job, but they made me a very big financial offer with an undertone that made me think if I turned it down, I’d be in danger. There was an elaborate set of lies told to me to get me to where we left from, and… here I am.” I pulled my shoulders up high and then let them drop while exhaling. “I guess I could’ve been harmed instead. I feel grateful that’s not what happened. I’d had a long string of what felt like bad luck, so getting to come here? It’s exciting. I’m the kind of person who has always erred on the side of staying in my comfort zone. But here I am… way out of it. Way out.” I smiled, but then my expression dropped. “Though, I’m very sorry that we’re here because you all lost people you love. That doesn’t seem fair for me to be excited. I’m sorry, Zane.” I dashed a tear off my cheek.

“So sweet that you shed tears for me, Tanya. But, don’t. There’s been more than enough sadness. I’m ready to move forward.”

I blinked at him, surprised.

“Don’t get me wrong. It’s been difficult. But, we’re ready to move on. It’s been four long years and not all terrible. I’ve gotten to be very hands-on with my son and we’re extremely close. We’re ready; Ollie and me both. Ollie has no memory of Jaya or his mother. Most others are more than ready, too. Of course there are some who are angry at your planet, but the majority of us are ready for wives, for progress.”

“Angry at my planet?” I asked.

Zane looked at me with an assessing gaze. “Yeah.”


He took a big breath before shocking me to my core. “Your planet sent food here that was what caused our women to die.”

I blanched. “Wha-what?”

“Your planet---”

“I heard. I… I meant what, more like … holy shit, no.”

“Afraid so. There are rumors about how it might have happened, but the way I heard it, there was a symposium among several trading planets. It was here in the capital region and there was a banquet with delicacies from all the participating planets. Your planet brought food that had been chemically altered, never disclosing it. Some of the attendees got very ill and the virus went airborne and spread across most of our planet.”

My hand covered my mouth.

“That’s between us only. Don’t share that. Some know some details, most don’t. As far as it seems, it was an accident. The other planets’ participants ate it as well and they were fine. Those responsible claimed they had no idea it would cause harm. They defended that your citizens have been consuming this same food with no obvious ill effects.”

“Oh my God.”

He shrugged. “The news of who was responsible came on the heels of news Earth’s women are biocompatible and that Earth is sending five million women to help us repopulate. They apologize for their mistake.” Zane chewed his inner cheek and shrugged.

“I don’t know what to say. I mean… that’s just horrible. And it’s just the kind of thing powerful people on my planet would do. God, the audacity of them!” I shot to my feet. “An accident? Sounds to me like fucking negligence.”


