Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

“It? What it?”

“The alien female. It’s coming with us. We’ve already got some others.”

The sneer on the man’s face made Zane’s anger intensify.

“And we are working to get more.” There was a gleam in the man’s eyes. It wasn’t right. They were huge and he looked as if his brain chemistry was off balance.

Zane growled, knocked him out, dropping him, unconscious, grabbed both of the man’s communication devices, then closed the door to the rooftop and locked it. If the shithead woke before he got back at least he was trapped on the roof (unless someone else tried to land). Zane used his own communications device to scan the area, his assessment application open. But, he could plainly see the elevator was now on the second floor by the indicator on the elevator wall panel. It had its own backup power, which evidently had not gone offline with the rest of the house as Zane could see the button was lit despite the fact that no other power appeared evident on the floor.

He ran for the staircase and was bursting into the second-floor hall seconds later, relieved the elevator door was still open because it meant no one had moved between floors since he last looked. He only wished he knew that no one had removed her from the house at the ground level.

He thought about how willingly she followed him, took his hand, let him lead her. Was that part of her character? Had someone else done the same?

He moved soundlessly to the doorway of Jaya’s room and heard a noise behind him. Someone was around the bend, coming. He heard someone bellow out, “Baj, respond. Status. Now!”

“If he already claimed her, he’s dead.” That was a second voice. Zane’s teeth tightened and his nostrils flared.

“Doesn’t matter,” another voice bit off. “We don’t follow their ridiculous laws. We can all enjoy her.”

Zane aimed.

As they rounded the corner, he discharged the weapon, a spray of lethal energy waves attacking both surprised-looking men who were approaching without their weapons in hand. They both dropped to the rug instantly, before they could even reach for their hip holsters.

Zane tapped into his father’s camera feed and saw no movement outside, but someone sat inside one of the two vehicles that were parked. One was a blue one, the same model as Zane’s.

A message sounded from his own device on his hip, making Zane jolt because he didn’t want to alert anyone else slinking around his home that he was back. If he wasn’t seen landing, no one on the ground would see his vehicle now due to the position of his landing pad and the surrounding peaks.

A message from Spar.

“Authorities are less than one minute out.”

As soon as he read it, he saw through the window the approach of authority vehicles closing in, coming from multiple directions (sky and land). Instantly, that vehicle like his own shot up skyward at full throttle. Two of the authority vehicles followed it.

Zane put his ear to the door, but the door moved as it wasn’t shut tight. He thrust it open, weapon pointed. The dim room appeared empty. He turned on the flashlight on his communications device and scanned the area. An empty goblet and half-eaten platter of food sat on the table, drapes to the bed were open with no one inside, the flower’s gemstones strewn across the rug. Zane immediately noticed the door to Jaya’s playhouse was open wide. He heard a female whimper from inside.

He moved like lightning.



He was on me, pinning me to the floor after having dragged me out of the cupboard by my sore ankle. The tall, short-haired, midnight blue-eyed alien had made a feral growl sound.

“Stop, Please, no!” I cried as his hands moved to his one-piece jumpsuit. He pulled the top half down, revealing he was wearing other clothes underneath. When the suit was thrust down to his hips, he yanked at metal toggles holding his fly closed.

Terror tried to grip me, but I got unstuck and tried to get away. He dragged me back by my sore ankle, his nails digging into my flesh, breaking the skin. I cried out in protest as I struggled, but he was too large and the space too confined for me to fend him off. He pinned me and used one hand to get under my dress, grasp my underwear, and yank them down. And despite my shoving and scratching, he laughed as he moved in, a psychotic look in those giant dark blue eyes that kind of looked too big for his face, as they devoured my cleavage. He reached and pulled at the halter tie at the back of my neck. I caught it before it fell, crying out. His massive hand clapped roughly over my mouth and he reached down to free himself from his trousers. But then he went alert, as if listening for something.


