Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

“These are indestructible in a crash scenario. We wouldn’t travel by air if there was any chance that, short of being hit by a weapon intended to incinerate the aircraft, anyone in it would be hurt.”

“There are plane crashes all the time on Earth. It’s kind of terrifying and that’s why I’ve never flown.”

“What about your ground vehicles? Surely, they are safe? You said you’ve never driven one?”

“Nope. People die in car crashes every minute of the day around the world.”

He shook his head, confused. “Why do people get in them?”

“To get around.” I shrugged.

“Ridiculous,” he grumbled. “If another vehicle gets too close, we’ll be redirected, as will the other. If you lose control and come too close to an object, it’ll redirect.”

He touched a symbol on the ceiling panel, and I heard a series of clicks and then a chassis descended from the ceiling and came to our eye level. It looked a lot like the aircraft control systems I’d seen in movies.

“This,” he pointed at a gear stick, “engages faster or slower speeds. It’s currently at a lower, recommended speed. This…” he gestured to the steering wheel, which wasn’t round, but sort of semi-circle with handles on either side, “is the yoke. Take it and move with it. Go ahead. He lifted me up onto his lap and took my hands and put them on either side.

I trembled a little.

“You asked for this,” he teased, kissing my throat.

“I’m so excited,” I told him, bouncing on his lap.

He let out a groan and I felt him get hard under me.

He squeezed me affectionately. “Go ahead and steer it. Get a feel for it. There’s nothing in our way and if something turns up, steer away from it. If you get too close, we’ll have an alert sound and then we’ll be physically moved somewhere safe.”

“What would happen if a bunch came at us from multiple directions and there was nowhere to go?”

“We’d all suspend in the air feet apart from one another and stare at one another until one of us got out of the way; I don’t know,” he sighed exaggeratedly, ”you want to run down every possible yet unlikely possibility when I’m right here and can get it sorted if we get into a jam or do you want to drive this thing?”

“I wanna drive this thing,” I said, and then I did. And he had an erection the whole time because I was extra bouncy on his lap. On purpose.

He had to help me steer us back onto the roof of his house with whatever controls were used to descend and turn it off, but I did pretty okay. And I had the time of my life.

Boring librarian Tanya Smithers, living a narrow life other than losing herself in books drove a freaking sky car on the lap of her hot alpha alien husband.

Ollie would be brought home by school transportation just before the evening, in time for dinner, so we had hours to ourselves.

Before leaving, Zane had shown us the elaborate addition to the greenhouse that would be a Chili habitat, and it was fabulous, to put it mildly. And nearly done. It was cool watching robot canister things work on it. Chili would even have a tube taking him to Granddad’s house next door, if he wanted to, after Pops complained about not being included in the plans.

“What if when he’s big enough, he wants to go out in the wild, Zane?” I’d asked this when we were getting shown the plans and Ollie had hugged me and nodded, as if immensely proud that I’d thought to ask.

Zane gave me a strange look. “He won’t likely want to. But, if he seemed unhappy or wasn’t thriving, we’d research all options.”

We drove over the city, which was massive and impressive. We drove over the grounds that I’d arrived on and Zane reminded me was Ollie’s other grandfather’s property. It was odd looking at a bird’s eye view of the massive castle, several smaller outbuildings, the giant gated gardens where we’d been, and then we saw colorful forest with trails winding through it that led to a mini castle on the edge of the property.

“Have more spaceships arrived?” I asked. There were at least a dozen vehicles parked outside the gates. And a big one that looked like a bus.

He nodded. “Yes. A few.”

“Any other problems?”

“No. They’ve sent out some decoy vehicles and caught some rebels. All couples are now on the grounds for a day or two before being escorted safely out.

“No word on Lacey and whoever else was missing? Do you know who it is, by the way?”

“Lauralee French.”

My eyes went big. She was annoying a lot of us, being a butt kisser to the guys with the clipboards that bossed us around and briefed us, or should I say, lied their faces off, but even still… I was sad for her.


