Wrath – Heartlands Motorcycle Club Read online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 30055 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 150(@200wpm)___ 120(@250wpm)___ 100(@300wpm)

“I fucking love you, angel.” I can’t help it, I need her to know. “It’s like God made you just for me.”

She’s going faster, pressing down on me, and my balls are ready to seize. I reach up and grab her tits, rolling her nipples between my fingers as her pussy clenches, her thighs tightening on my hips as she drops her chin to her chest on a throaty moan.

I meet her movements with hard upward thrusts, smacking our flesh together and her walls clamp down as her voice breaks.

Her incredible cunt starts to milk me and I let go. I fill her with hot cum, deep inside, and it’s the first relief I’ve felt in a year.

It won’t be long before I need more, I know that, but for this moment, bliss covers me and I know I’ve found heaven.

“You are my one angel.”

She collapses on my chest and I run my hands up and down the curve of her back.

“And you are my one stalker,” she answers on a breathless giggle, and I swat her ass again, making her pussy clench around my still hard dick. “I love you too, you big dummy. I don’t know how you did it, how this happened, but I love you, Wrath.”

She was worth the wait.

She is my heaven.

My home.

My forever.

If anyone tries to hurt her ever again, I will personally escort them to hell.

8 | Kristina

My dream is dirty.

And by dirty, I mean filthy. Even in the dream world, I wonder if it’s right for me to be thinking this. Wrath has me up against the wall of his bedroom, facing away from him, and I can feel his cock at my back entrance, huge, swollen, impossibly large. I moan as I wonder if he’s going to take me in that tiny tight hole, or spread my legs and enter me from behind, and I bite into my bottom lip as his body pushes me harder into the wall and he leans to my ear.

“Tell me you want me.” He grunts, banging his hand against the wall, making me jump. “Tell me you fucking want me.”

“Take me, please.”

His hand thuds against the wall again. “Say it, Kristina.”

“Fill me. I’m yours.”

“Kristina.” Thud. “Kristina.” Thud. “Kristina, wake up...”

I open my eyes, and the thudding is coming from further away, somewhere down the hall. And Wrath is right there, close, leaning over me with his hand on my shoulder.


“I’m awake. What’s going on?”

“I’m not sure. Sheriff’s here. He sounds pissed. I don’t know, maybe what we did last night is illegal around here.”

I snort a laugh. “Be serious, Wrath.”

“I have to go answer that before he kicks the door down.”

Before I can answer, a yawn takes me, and for a moment all I can do is nod. “Okay. I need to get up anyway. My dad will be wondering where—”

“Forget about him. I’ll deal with him later.”

I frown as I sit up in the bed. “He’s a good man. Somewhere, deep down, I know it. He always treated my mom right. He’s just lost his way somewhere along the line.”

He leans down and kisses my head. “I won’t hurt him unless he hurts you. I promise.”

There’s a voice from outside. “Wrath, get your ass out here or I’m going to have to come in! Don’t think I won’t shoot you!”

Wrath rolls his eyes. “I’ll be back in a moment.” He raises his voice as he turns to the bedroom door. He’s got his jeans on, but nothing else, as he stomps in that direction, raising his voice. “Alright, Sheriff, I’m coming!”

Part of me knows I should get dressed, but another part of me doesn’t want any of this to end. So instead, I just lie there a moment longer, then as I hear rumbling voices start arguing, I slide out of the bed, wrapping myself in the sheet as best I can as I come out of the bedroom and see the sheriff standing there in the doorway.

“Like fuck I am!”

“This ain’t exactly a debate, son.” The sheriff looks past Wrath as best he can to see me coming down the hallway.

“Hey, fuck face, you don’t get to look at her.” Wrath turns. “Kristina, get back inside. I’ll be there in a moment.”

“The hell you will, Wrath.”

“What’s going on?” I ask, starting to get worried. “Whatever it is, sheriff, he can’t have done it. He was here all night.”

The sheriff grits his teeth, his jaw tightening as he looks at me while he speaks to Wrath. “Henry James Phillips, I’m arresting you on suspicion of arson...”

My mind explodes. What? “What’s he talking about?”

The sheriff is reading Wrath his rights as he turns him around, getting his cuffs ready, and Wrath’s eyes meet mine.

“What’s going on, Wrath?”

“It’s bullshit, Kristina. I’ll be out by the end of the day.”


