Wrapped Up in You Read Online Nikki Ash

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 76364 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

The way he includes Jordan instead of asking me to find a sitter has me falling that much harder for this man. He’s single without any kids and doesn’t have to be bogged down by a child, yet he offers to babysit and includes her in our plans without thought.

“That sounds like fun,” I tell him. “Jordan will love checking out all the lights.”

“Good,” he says, standing since he’s finished his breakfast and coffee. “I’ll pick you up around four o’clock.” He leans down and kisses me. “Have a good day, sweetheart.”

“Wow! Those lights are so cool!” Jordan points at the lights on a house, her eyes wide in awe. There are hundreds of homes on the map, and I’m almost positive Pierce has taken us to most of them. It’s chilly outside, but he had the foresight to grab warm blankets that we’re currently snuggled up in while Pierce drives us around from house to house on his fancy golf cart that has all the bells and whistles, including windows to keep the wind out.

It’s been a wonderful night. Dinner was delicious—he cooked us spaghetti and meatballs, which is Jordan’s favorite—and afterward, he took us to see the horses Jordan loves before heading out to look at the lights.

“Not as cool as ours,” Pierce says back to Jordan with a scoff, “but they’re decent.”

I laugh at his go-to response and shake my head, knowing there’s no way we’re going to win the battle of the lights contest. Our lights are beautiful, and Jordan loves them so much, which is all that really matters. But these people go all out, clearly taking this contest seriously. I can’t even tell you who will win, though it definitely won’t be us.

We ride around for a bit longer and eventually return to our place. I should probably call it a night since we have school and work in the morning, but I’m craving some alone time with Pierce, and it’s Jordan’s bedtime.

“Want to come in?” I ask when he parks in our driveway.

“You couldn’t keep me away,” he murmurs with a grin.

Jordan’s bedtime routine is done quickly, thanks to her being exhausted. Then it’s just Pierce and me.

“Want some coffee or—”

Before I finish my question, Pierce spins me around and pushes me up against the fridge—where I was looking to see what I have to offer him. The door slams shut as my body presses against the cold steel. Pierce gathers my hands in his and brings them over my head, using the freezer door to hold them.

Our eyes briefly meet, and then he fuses his mouth to mine, his tongue sliding inside and tangling with my own. With his body flush against mine, his hardness presses up against me. Without breaking our kiss, I lift my leg slightly and run my knee along his length, causing Pierce to moan into my mouth.

“Fuck, Kels,” he says breathlessly as if he were running a marathon instead of kissing me. “Do you have any idea how goddamn sexy you are? How hard it is to be around you and not be able to touch you?”

Without waiting for me to answer, he drags his fingers along the outside curve of my breast and down my side, not stopping until he gets to the bend of my knee. He trails fiery kisses down my neck as he hitches my leg around his waist. Between his kisses and touches, my brain is mush. I have no idea what he’s doing or what his goal is, until the top of his thigh strokes my center through the thin material of the pajama pants I changed into when we got home.

“Oh God,” I groan when he strokes me harder, taking me higher and higher, as he hits my clit with the perfect amount of pressure.

“That’s it, sweetheart,” he murmurs, sucking and licking my overheated flesh as he continues to stroke me back and forth, working me up to the point where I’m dangling off the edge. “Come for me.”

He caresses me once more, and that’s all I need to fall off the precipice. His mouth descends on mine, swallowing down my moans as I come, hard. He doesn’t stop his assault on my clit and mouth until I’m forced to push him away because the physical sensations he’s eliciting are too much. In typical Pierce fashion, he doesn’t move far, continuing to hold me as I come down from my orgasm.

“I could watch you do that every day for the rest of my life,” he croons, peppering soft kisses to my jawline, cheeks, and lastly my lips.

“Every day?” I choke out. “I’m not sure my body could handle that.”

He grins devilishly. “I’m okay with us finding out.”




Just thought I’d let you know that Jordan is spending the night with Tilly tonight…


