Wrapped in Love Read Online Lexi Ryan (Boys of Jackson Harbor #4)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Boys of Jackson Harbor Series by Lexi Ryan

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83718 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 419(@200wpm)___ 335(@250wpm)___ 279(@300wpm)

“Who can blame you for that?”

“You deserved more. Better. I proved everything you were afraid of by believing the picture he was trying to paint.”

“I forgive you, Brayden.” She studies me. “Anyone would have believed it.”

“Thank you.” I lean an inch closer. “And I’m also glad you’re here, because you said some pretty awful things and then left before I could defend myself.”

Her eyes go guarded. “It was a bad day. I apologize if I insulted you somehow.”

“Oh, you really did.”

She swallows, and I can tell she wants to push this aside and be done with this conversation, but her pride won’t let her. “How?”

“You said I only want you because I want to save you.”


I press two fingers over her lips. “And you said I thought you were ruined and damaged goods.”

She swallows, and her eyes search my face, but she doesn’t shy away from my touch or try to move my fingers.

“I don’t think you’re ruined. I think you’re amazing, but that doesn’t change that I wish I’d taken things more slowly with you. Nelson hurt you, and you spent so long hiding it that you were never able to heal.”

She swallows, and tears well in her eyes. “I’m fine,” she whispers against my fingers.

“You’re strong as hell, and you’ve carried on impressively despite the pain, proving to everyone that he didn’t—couldn’t—ruin you.”

She takes my wrist and pulls my hand away. “Thank you.”

She’s uncomfortable talking about this, but I’m not done. “I’m not going to pretend you’re not broken, not when I can see your broken pieces in the way you push me away, the way you refuse to give us a chance.”

“I tried and—”

“One day isn’t trying. It’s not even a toe in the water.” I take a deep breath, reining in my frustration. “Jason Ralston accused me of wanting to pretend you don’t have a reputation and only seeing the new Molly. You accused me as only seeing you as broken. You’re both wrong. I see all of you—broken bits, scars, and beautiful, breathtaking strength. I see all of you, and I want all of you. I’m not interested in picking you apart or only taking the shiny bits. I’m in love with the woman who’s all of those things.”

“You’re the first person who’s ever made me think I might be worth that.” Slowly, she lifts her hand to my face, and her touch is such a profound relief that I think I might shudder at the contact. “I keep thinking about the speech you gave at the wedding. I think you’re right.”

“About what?”

“We have a choice. About how we respond to our situations—both our mistakes and our misfortunes.” She runs her thumb down my jaw. “I don’t have to let those things convince me I’m not worthy of happiness. I can choose to be brave.” She lifts onto her toes and brushes her lips against mine. “I want to be brave for you. To be selfish enough about my own joy to be with you even before I’m convinced I deserve you.”

The single brush of her lips wasn’t enough, but the air fills with the sound of little feet racing down the stairs, so I steal my kiss fast, sweeping my mouth across hers before tugging her bottom lip between my teeth. Her answering moan unravels something inside me, but she steps away fast—just as Noah skids to a halt in the living room beyond the kitchen, the remote already clutched in his little hand.

Molly’s blue eyes are still on me, and I wink at her. She smiles and damn near knocks me over with shock when she grabs me by the shirt and kisses me hard on the mouth right in front of her son.

“Mommy, did you just kiss Rayden?” Noah asks.

Pulling back, she looks at me from under her lashes and licks her lips. “I did.”

“Why?” he asks, though his attention is more on the TV than on us as he waits for his show to load.

“Because I love him,” she says softly.

“Oh,” Noah says. “I love him too.”

I can only stare at her and try to remember how to breathe.

She grins. “Dinner?”

I blink and finally draw in a breath. “I think Christmas just came early.”

“Rayden!” Noah shouts from the family room, annoyance lacing his tone. “I said I love you!”

Molly ducks her head and bites her lip.

I pinch her butt before going to work on the dishes. “I love you too, buddy.”


Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with Brayden and Noah was an endless whirlwind of activity, smiles, long looks across the room (between Brayden and me), occasional pouting (from my overexcited preschooler), and joy. But, in typical excited-child fashion, Noah had Brayden and I out of bed before six, and now, just before seven a.m., all his presents are already unwrapped and he’s happily playing with new toys in the middle of the family room floor.


