Wizard (Hounds of Hellfire MC #3) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Hounds of Hellfire MC Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31905 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 160(@200wpm)___ 128(@250wpm)___ 106(@300wpm)

“Fuck, baby. Are you okay?” Baylor rasped as his arms wrapped around me.

“Just a little lightheaded,” I whispered, pressing trembling fingers over my eyes.

“Someone get Razor,” he yelled.

I felt slightly better when he plopped me onto a barstool. “Asking for a doctor seems like overkill, even if he’s one of your club brothers.”

“You’re pale as fuck and almost fainted. You need to be checked out by someone who knows what the hell they’re doing.”

I knew him well enough to assume he wouldn’t back down, but I still complained, “Ugh, really?”

“Yes, really.” Glaring over his shoulder, he demanded, “Call an ambulance.”

I rolled my eyes as Ash stabbed his finger against the screen of his phone, not realizing until later why he was so quick to make the call.

It only took five minutes for the ambulance to arrive, and two paramedics rushed into the clubhouse. The guy asked what was going on, and while Baylor explained, the woman came over to me.

“You don’t look so good. Is there any medical history I need to know about or pre-existing conditions?”

“Nope, I’ve always been as healthy as a horse.”

“That’s good to hear.” She flashed me a quick smile before pulling a blood pressure cuff out of her bag. “I’m Nora. What’s your name?”


“Enough chitchat,” Baylor barked. “What’s wrong with my woman?”

“Careful,” Ash warned for some reason.

After Nora took my vitals, she asked, “Is there any chance you’re pregnant?”

“A whole lot of them,” I confirmed. “But only over the past two weeks, so isn’t it too soon for me to be having symptoms like this?”

“Nope.” She repacked her equipment into her bag. “Your blood pressure is normal. Same with your temperature and pulse ox.”

The tension drained from my body as I started to hope that the reason I had been lightheaded was the best one possible. “That’s good to hear.”

“The dizziness passed fairly quickly, and it’s often one of the first symptoms a woman experiences during pregnancy since it can be caused by hormonal changes or increased blood volume,” she explained. “My recommendation is that you have your man send his friend out for a pregnancy test and take it as soon as possible.”

“His friend?” I asked, my brows drawing together.

“That one.” She pointed at Ash. “It’ll probably embarrass him, which would be awesome.”

“Wouldn’t be bothered by it at all, Nora,” Ash disagreed.

She completely ignored him, her focus remaining on me. “If the test is positive, make an appointment with your gynecologist. If it’s negative, go in to see your primary care physician, even if you don’t get faint again. Better be safe than sorry.”

Baylor squeezed my shoulder. “She’ll see a doctor soon, either way.”

“Good,” Nora replied.

She’d done her best to ignore Ash, but I caught the soft look in her eyes when she glanced up at him earlier. She probably thought nobody was looking because everyone was paying attention to me, but she hadn’t counted on me not staring at myself, which would’ve been weird.

“What was that all about?” I asked after she left with Ash hot on her heels.

Baylor laughed, shaking his head. “Ash managed to piss Nora off when he got shot. Before he realized that she’s the woman for him.”

After having a knife shoved against my throat by my stalker, I barely blinked at the mention of one of the guys getting shot. “Sounds as though there’s quite the story there.”

“There definitely is.” He pressed a kiss against my forehead. “But unfortunately for you, I can’t share much of it because the whole thing was club business.”

“That’s probably for the best.” I grinned up at him. “You should probably also warn all the guys…having an author in your life means that any stories I hear are fair game for books later on.”

“Be prepared to take lots of notes, baby. My club brothers are a fucking riot when they’re falling for their old ladies.”

Considering what had happened with us, I believed him.

“Will do,” I murmured as he gently lifted me off the stool.

He kept his arm around my back to make sure I was steady on my feet. “But wait until we get that pregnancy test to confirm you’re carrying my baby.”

Only twenty minutes later—with a whole lot of hovering by Baylor—we had our answer. I was pregnant. Luckily, my wedding plans were already in full swing, so I didn’t need to worry about not fitting into my dress.



My eyes drifted to the digital picture frame perched on my desk in my home office. When no one was in here with me, a single push of a button turned the screen into a camera feed. One that was set up in my wife’s home office a few feet away.

I watched Thea for a few minutes, simply admiring how fucking beautiful she was. She’d gained a few more curves after having our daughter, Skye, four years ago, then our son, Wyatt, who just turned one. She’d complained only once because I spent several hours convincing her that she was the sexiest woman on the whole damn planet. I also made her tell me before I let her come—every single time.


