With This Ring Read online Georgia Le Carre

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 86947 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 435(@200wpm)___ 348(@250wpm)___ 290(@300wpm)

She was so hot and wet.

I picked her up and moved to the desk closest to us. With one hand, I swept away all the junk on it and set her down.

Jerking her legs apart, I cupped her cleft hard before driving a finger into her. I followed that with another. Head thrown back, she emitted a gasp of pleasure as I began my thrusts.

My thumb circled the engorged bud of her arousal, in precise rhythmic circles and it drove her wild.

“Maxim,” she breathed, her hands gripping the edge of the table.

I shuddered at the sound of my name in her mouth. Her voice wasn’t intentionally sultry. It was soft but with an unmistakable note of steely determination. I loved it.

“Hold onto me,” I instructed hoarsely.

She threw her arms around my neck and I lowered my knees to position myself at her opening. Then I hooked my hands underneath her thighs and rammed my cock into her so hard, her ass left the table.

At the brutal thrust, her unrestrained moan rang out into the quiet room and blended with the distant buzz of the city’s noise.

I fucked Freya hard, and felt things that I didn’t want to. My eyes remained on hers as I committed her features to memory. The wild movement of her hair as I slammed my cock over and over into her, the sweet grimace of pleasure and pain on her face, the noises coming from her parted lips, the light perspiration across her forehead.

When she climaxed, I followed right after. It was long and earth-shattering. I shuddered through it all, my stomach in knots.

It should have been just a quick and easy fuck, but there was nothing quick or easy about the fuck or the hold Freya was beginning to have over me.

I said something stupid to her, zipped myself back into my pants, and stumbled out of there like a drunken man.

Chapter Fifty-Eight


I was buttering my toast when the timid knock at the door came. I wasn’t expecting anyone so I headed quietly over and peeped through the hole. Just in case it was another ‘delivery’ that no one asked for. But when I saw who was at the door I swung it open with a cry of joy.

Britney smiled at me, her eyes misty with tears. “I’m sorry,” she said.

I ran into her arms. For the longest time I couldn’t speak, the weight of the world seemingly lifted off my chest.

Eventually I pulled her into the apartment and hit her hard on the shoulder. “Why the fuck did you ring the bell like some stranger? And why didn’t you tell me that you were coming?”

She shrugged. “I made the decision late last night and just booked a flight.”

“Your mom pissed you off?”


I began to laugh.

She sucked in her breath through her teeth. “I can’t believe I forgot why I left home in the first place.”

“Hope you didn’t also forget why you left here either? I can’t exactly delete my criminal background.”

Her face fell with remorse. “I deserve that. I was too scared, still am but …”

I playfully knocked her on the head. “Hey! I’m not dead yet, so perhaps you’ll be fine too?”

“Don’t do that,” she scolded. “You might damage the last two brain cells I have left.”

I laughed. It was so good to have her back. “Come on. I’ll make you some toast.”

Together we headed back towards the kitchen. At that moment a message arrived on my phone.

“What’s been going on?” she asked. “How is Maxim doing?”

My mind went to the previous night on her desk. I planned on telling her everything, but not yet. I hid my face from her and quickly looked at my phone.

“Just a second. I just received a text from my bank.”

I opened the text, and for one wild incredible second, I thought I was seeing things. I shut my eyes, and reopened them, as if I would see something different. I knew exactly what it was, but I didn’t want to believe it. I couldn’t believe it. I looked up at Britney, my whole body in an uproar of disbelief and hurt and words, normal words came out of my mouth.

“Did you uh … did you hear from Barney’s yet?”

She nodded vigorously, her curls bouncing “Yes, I have. They’ve agreed to stock us when we officially launch, special thanks to the mention from Bianca’s wedding. I’ll have the website done by next week.”

“Hmmm … How much will we need for the first order?”

“For the first collection?”

I nodded.

I grimaced. “At least seven thousand dollars. That will meet the minimum order for all the pieces in the collection.”

I dragged my gaze back to my phone and reread the notification. A million dollars had just been sent into my account. “Give me a minute. I’ll be right back,” I told Britney and went to my room.


