Wild Hearts – Trevor Monroe Part One – Lost Hearts Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 96249 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 481(@200wpm)___ 385(@250wpm)___ 321(@300wpm)

“I should’ve come to you when I first knew I wanted to date her. So much was going on and I wanted to be face to face when I told you I want Lynn to be my forever. I blew that.

“I see that now. But please, don’t do this to her. Don’t take her dream away, Moses. Don’t break her heart like that.”

“Humph,” my father grunts and rolls his eyes.

“But Trev,” I gasp.

“We made our bed, darlin’,” he says and shakes his head.

“This isn’t fair. I’m losing everything I love. My sister is gone. Now, I either have to give up the only man I will ever love or walk away from the one thing I’m great at. Where’s the sense in any of that?” I sob.

“Lynn,” Trevor says in warning.

I shake my head and turn to run out. Hot tears are falling down my face faster than I can wipe them away. I make it into the car and pull off to rush back to Nanna’s.

I’m so mad at Trev. It’s as I grumble to myself while sobbing and trying to see that I notice my daddy’s truck parked off to the side of the house. In my rush to get to Trev, I hadn’t seen it.

I shake my head and swipe at my tears. I have a million thoughts running through my head. I thought my heart was broken in Italy. This hurts so much more.

I don’t know how I get back to Nanna’s. By the time I park in front of her new house, my face is covered in tears and I have big old snort bubbles as I sob uncontrollably.

I rush into the house, trying to head to my room to lock myself in. However, Nanna is waiting for me with a glum look on her face. I know, instantly, she’s about to tell me it’s time for me to go home.

“I’ll get my stuff,” I whimper.

“I’m so sorry, Babycakes.”

“It’s not your fault. We shouldn’t have been sneaking around. I know Daddy. I should’ve known better.”

“You’re a young woman now. You should be allowed to fall in love and make mistakes. None of this is right.”

Her eyes are filled with tears. I can tell she has more she wants to say, but she clamps her lips shut as the sound of a car pulling up greets our ears.

I should’ve known he’d come for me. My shoulders sag. I don’t even have any more fight left in me.

I’m devastated. It’s like I’m freezing from the inside out and I’m beginning to feel numb.


I punch my steering wheel repeatedly. I can’t believe what happened. When Moses and Daddy came in, I had called out to Lynn before realizing it wasn’t her coming into the house.

My heart broke as soon as I saw them. The look in Moses’s eyes told me all I needed to know. It was over. We fucked up. Again.

I can’t allow Lynn to lose her dream. I can only hope that my plea reached Moses and he won’t take this from her. In time, maybe he’ll forgive us. Or we can just wait a few years until he doesn’t hold all the cards.

“Fuck,” I bellow into the truck.

This just doesn’t feel right. Ending things like this leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. As if feeling my pain, the sky opens up and it begins to pour.

Moses’s last words to me fill my head. “I didn’t do this to y’all. Y’all did it to yourselves. You know me, Trev. This ain’t how you handle me.”

“Yes, sir,” was all I could say.

I start the truck and pull off. As I drive away from the house that we’ve spent the last few days playing house in, I glance back at it one more time. I’m no quitter.

“This ain’t ending like this,” I mutter to myself as I turn my gaze from the house in the rearview to my own eyes.

I have one more move. There’s a way. “This could work,” I say to myself and nod my head with determination.


Not Giving Up


I lie in my bed at my parents’ house, sobbing into my pillow. I’m so lost and confused. Did Trevor mean what he said, or was he just trying to placate my daddy?

A shiver runs through me as I think of never being together again. A part of me loves Trevor even more for understanding what my music means to me. However, his words and my daddy’s keep ringing in my head.

We made our bed. I’ve been lying and broke my father’s trust. I put Trev in this position. It makes me sick to my stomach and I wish I could take it all back.

At first, we just didn’t want to hurt my parents by telling them why I wasn’t there to help my sister. Things just snowballed from there. I’d never lied to my parents, but it’s like I couldn’t stop once I started.


