Wicked Pursuit (Black Rose Auction #1) Read Online Katee Robert

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Novella Tags Authors: Series: Black Rose Auction Series by Katee Robert

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 66217 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 331(@200wpm)___ 265(@250wpm)___ 221(@300wpm)


“Yes.” He presses hard against my clit, making me jerk. “You know what your parents are capable of. Do you really think they’d let that filthy prick stay among the living if they knew he fucked you?”

I open my mouth to say that of course they wouldn’t kill someone for such a silly reason, but it’s a lie. Isn’t part of the reason I never worried about Luke that he wasn’t in the life and we have rules? Those same rules apply to the people who owe their allegiance to my aunt.

My aunt watched what happened with my parents, how a romantic conflict with my mother almost lost the territory two of its best generals, and course corrected. Maybe even overcorrected. Unfortunately—or fortunately, depending on who you ask—my parents agreed with her. I think they would prefer I marry one of the spares from a different territory and dodge the potential pitfalls of elevating one enforcer above the others in our territory.

I knew that and I didn’t care. It’s not as if the rules are secret. Rafe knew it too. That doesn’t mean he deserved to die.

“You have to stop killing people.”

He snorts. The slight tension in his wrist is the only warning I get before he pushes my panties to the side and shoves two fingers into me. “I’ll stop killing your lovers when you stop fucking other people, baby. It’s as simple as that.”


As simple as that. As if giving myself over to my stalker completely is a reasonable thing to do. It strikes me all over again that he’s here. In my apartment. If Luke were here . . .

I look at my bedroom door. Was it closed earlier? I’m not sure. Surely Luke would have said something if he’d come home and found me sleeping on the couch? But no, I’m thinking about this as if he’s still my boyfriend. He’s not. We’re basically glorified roommates.

Wolf grabs my chin in a painful grip and turns my face back to him. Or to his mask. “Looking for your boyfriend to save you?”

“No, of course not.”

He fucks me slowly with his fingers, even as he holds me captive with his hand on my jaw. “Liar. We haven’t talked about him yet.”

Fear licks at me, threatening to smother my desire. “Wolf.” It’s difficult to talk with him holding me like this, but I force my way through it. “Leave him alone.”

He’s silent for several beats, the only sound the slick, wet slide of his gloved fingers inside me. “The others had your pussy. He’s different. He had your heart. When I deal with him, I’m going to make it hurt.”


He shifts his grip, covering my mouth and stopping my protest. He leans forward, pressing me back onto the couch hard and pinning me there with his bigger body. “You don’t get to tell me no, Red. Not about this.”

My body coils tight, but I fight against the feeling with everything I have. I speak softly against his palm. “Not him, Wolf. He’s an innocent in all this.”

“Innocent.” He makes a growling sound that has my toes curling despite myself. “Even now you’re arguing for his life. You’ve been riding his cock for years, sleeping next to him, giving him all those little moments that should have been mine.”

“Wolf, please.” I may not want to stay in a relationship with Luke, but that doesn’t mean I want something bad to happen to him. “Please don’t hurt him. I’ll do anything.”

“Anything.” Again, he makes that sound that’s almost a growl. “Fine, Red. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll leave him alone if you do one thing for me.”

Relief makes me dizzy. “Okay.”

“So eager to save him.” He yanks his fingers out of me and flips me onto my stomach before I can do more than whimper. He drags down my panties with rough hands and forces my knees wide.

Not that he has to do much forcing.

I’m already tilting my hips, offering him my pussy, when he reaches between my thighs to palm me roughly. The leather of his glove slides decadently against my pussy lips. Then his weight is at my back, his low voice in my ear. “Would you let me fuck you right here while he’s sleeping in the next room, knowing that if you get too loud and wake him up, I’ll slit his throat and then go right back to fucking you?”

I shudder, and not even I can tell if in anticipation or terror. If I had any sense, I would try to convince him not to do this. I wouldn’t be rocking my pussy against his palm, so wet that I’m dripping all over his hand and wrist.

“Yes,” I whisper. I could tell myself that this is something I’m simply enduring to keep Luke safe, but it’s a dirty lie. The ugly truth is that I’ve been panting after Wolf’s cock ever since I started engaging with his stalking, taunting him, seeing just how far he’d push it. How far he’d push me.


