Wicked Pursuit (Black Rose Auction #1) Read Online Katee Robert

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Novella Tags Authors: Series: Black Rose Auction Series by Katee Robert

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 66217 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 331(@200wpm)___ 265(@250wpm)___ 221(@300wpm)

What about Wolf?

I ignore the voice, just like I’ve been ignoring it all day. It’s time to have some fun.


Ilean forward, propping my arm on Zayne’s thigh, and give Natasha my best charming grin. “Don’t listen to him. He’s a terrible flirt.”

The smile she turns on me is significantly warmer than the one she gave him. “I know. I’ve worked here a long time.” She laughs. “But he tips like a dream.”

“One day you’ll stop breaking my heart, Nat.”

“Hold your breath. Maybe it’ll happen faster.” She nods at me. “Nice to see you around here again, Ruby. It’s been a long time.”

Michelle leans over Zayne, causing him to grumble good-naturedly, and motions at me like I’m a prize on a game show. “Ruby is newly single. Isn’t that a trip?”

“Newly single, huh?” Natasha sets the drinks onto our table, lingering a little longer than strictly necessary in front of me, and then leans in. “Maybe we should get a drink sometime when I’m not on the clock.”

My mouth is suddenly dry. The possibilities make my head spin. Natasha is so gorgeous, I have to drag in a breath and pause in order to not stumble over my words. “Sure. We could do that.”

Zayne waits for her to move away before he leans against me dramatically. “I changed my mind. You need to be back in a relationship. There’s enough competition with this wild one.” He jerks his thumb at Michelle. “No one is going to want to fuck me with the two of you as options.”

“You’re so sweet.” Michelle presses a quick kiss to his cheek and grabs her drink. “But you’re right. You can’t compare. You do, however, make an excellent wingman.”

“That’s what they all say.” He sobers. “But you’re really okay, Ruby? He didn’t break your heart, did he? Luke was pretty cool, but I won’t hesitate to break his kneecaps.”

I laugh a little, though threats of violence are never quite a joke in our world. “No, I broke up with him. He’s been a perfect gentleman.”

Zayne snorts. “No wonder you left his ass.”

“Why do people keep saying that?”

Michelle and Zayne share another look and snort. She finally downs her drink. “Please tell me you’re joking when you ask that question. You had like a couple years of testing the waters in college, but before you had a chance to really let your freak flag fly, Luke locked you down. You wouldn’t have—” She cuts herself off at my warning look, but it’s too late.

Zayne swivels to face me. “What happened? What did I miss?”

“It’s nothing.”

Michelle flags down Natasha. “Babe, we need some shots.” She barely waits for Natasha to get out of earshot to say, “If you call cheating on Luke with some lowly muscle in a shitty bar ‘nothing.’”

I fully expect Zayne to join in on the laughter at my expense, but his gaze goes serious. “Ruby, what the fuck?”

Shame threatens to heat my skin. It was a shitty thing to do, but Luke and I are over now. We weren’t going to be less over if I didn’t cheat on him. Yeah, that logic feels like a stretch.

I look away. “So I’m not perfect. Sue me. Are we having fun tonight, or should I just go home?”

“Don’t be like that.” Michelle reaches over Zayne and playfully smacks my knee. “You read me the riot act when I fucked that actress. You don’t fuck up often. Forgive me if I’m conflicted by it.”

Zayne tilts his head back against the booth and exhales loudly. “The actress was on a downward spiral and wanted to run off to Vegas and marry you. Forget Uncle Hook—your mother would have chopped her up into little pieces.”

I give him a sharp look. “Tink wouldn’t do that, and you know it.” Probably. She may have bought into the life we lead, but she still keeps her hands clean of the necessary ugliness that a territory leader must be part of. Most of the time. When it comes to her kids, all bets are off.

“No, he’s right. It’s not just the marriage. Clary had a constant cocktail in her bloodstream. She started with microdosing, but it got out of control. She’s doing better these days.”

Zayne blinks. “Tell me you’re not checking up on her.”

Michelle’s expression shutters. “That’s enough talking about exes. That’s a brunch conversation, and we’re out for drinks.”

“More than drinks. Our girl is on the rebound.” Zayne motions toward the railing that overlooks the dance floor, as magnanimous as a king. “Pick your poison, Ruby. Who will it be tonight?”

I rise, dodging his half-hearted attempt to slap my ass, and move to the railing. The dance floor is even more crowded than it was when I came in, bodies pressed together as closely as lovers.

My skin prickles. Someone is watching me. I scan the room below, trying to note anyone paying undue attention to me, but it’s an impossible endeavor. If Wolf is here, I’d never know. There are too many people. He could be anyone.


