Wicked Heart (The Hearts of Sawyers Bend #5) Read Online Ivy Layne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Hearts of Sawyers Bend Series by Ivy Layne

Total pages in book: 143
Estimated words: 132834 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 664(@200wpm)___ 531(@250wpm)___ 443(@300wpm)

This was different. I liked it. With a shove on my shoulder, Savannah pushed me to my back, rolling the condom down my extremely eager cock. Shifting up on the bed, I pulled her over me, letting out my own groan as the scalding heat of her settled over the head of my cock. She sank down slowly, humming in the back of her throat as she stretched around me, falling forward when she’d taken me to the hilt, her breasts even with my mouth. Capturing a nipple, I sucked, my hands loose on her hips, no longer trying to control her movements.

Savannah rocked, the flex of her strong thighs under my hands seducing me further. I was surrounded by Savannah, her taste, her scent, her body, her tight heat on my cock rising and falling, bringing me to the edge far too soon. She teased, slowing when I thrust up into her, making me wait just as I’d done to her, her hips swiveling in the twist that sent a fresh jolt of bliss through my body.

“Fuck, Savannah, so good,” I said, my words slurring together, sensation swamping my brain.

“So good,” she moaned in agreement, rocking faster. Her breath caught as I cupped both breasts and squeezed her nipples, tugging gently. I thrust up into her, and her orgasm detonated in her body, her pussy squeezing tight. I let her take me with her, Savannah the only thing I could feel.

She collapsed on top of me, her silky hair everywhere, faint tremors running through her, both of us gasping for breath. Too much of Savannah might kill me, but I’d die the happiest of men.

I don’t know how long it took us to function again. I wasn’t in a rush, the feel of her draped over me warm and close and so welcome.

Welcome. An odd word for that moment, but it was stuck in my head. I’d never felt so welcomed. By her body, absolutely. No question there. But the feeling of welcome wasn’t just about her body wanting mine. No, it was in her surrender, her loose limbs and warm breath on my neck. When she slid to the side and cool air hit my skin, I wanted her back. Not sure what to do with that, I rolled out of bed, disposing of the condom in the bathroom.

Chapter Thirty


I wasn’t expecting the fireplace cheerfully burning in the wall opposite the bed when I came back. “Was that on when we came up?” I asked.

“It was,” Savannah said with a slight smile. “But we were distracted.” She tilted her head to the side. “Are you coming back to bed?”

Good question. I was standing right next to my pile of discarded clothes. I could pull them on and be out the door in a heartbeat. Objective achieved. Savannah had come twice, and I’d come one spectacular time. Libido satisfied. I didn’t have to stay.

But I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to leave this cozy room with the fire burning, Savannah warm and soft and naked in bed. Slipping into bed beside her, I pulled her into my arms. “I’ll leave before Nicky gets up,” I said.

She cuddled in, tucking her head into the crook of my shoulder, her breath warm on my skin. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt this. Welcomed. Wanted. Defenses down, her body languid, Savannah traced small circles on my arm, and in that moment, everything I wanted was in my arms. It was equally comforting and terrifying to find contentment like this with another person. With Savannah. I pushed the unfamiliar feelings away. I was here, and I was happy. That was enough to think about for now.

Savannah drew in a breath, and I remembered her face earlier, when I’d come in. She had things to say, and I distracted her. My stomach tightened. I didn’t want to talk. Not about my kidnapping and my father and Ford. Definitely not about anything that had happened in the last hour. Too many new feelings were swirling through me, things I didn’t understand yet myself. I wasn’t ready to talk about any of it.

Savannah let out her breath in a rush, then drew in a new one. Letting out a sigh of my own, I said, “Spit it out.”

“I’m sorry.” She eased back, every millimeter of distance too much. Her gray eyes met mine, hers dark with pain, suddenly swimming with tears. “He said you joined the army, and we all just accepted that. We should have asked.” A tear rolled down her cheek. Then another. I reached up a hand to wipe them away, my chest aching.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” I hated the sight of her tears.

“It’s not okay.” Her brows pulled together. “None of this is okay,” she argued, her voice rising.


