Wicked Cravings Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #2)

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 146
Estimated words: 137004 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 685(@200wpm)___ 548(@250wpm)___ 457(@300wpm)

Leif’s brows shot up. “He was Beta, too? Really?”

Dante cocked his head. “You didn’t know?”

“Blane doesn’t—” Leif stopped short when his mom interrupted him.

“Have you finished your cereal?”

Blane, not Dad, Dante noted. He exchanged a look with Jaime. It probably shouldn’t be such a shock that the kid didn’t seem to consider a man who apparently hit him often to be his dad. But he hadn’t spoken the name Blane with fear or anger, as if he associated that person with bad, painful memories. Leif spoke the name with indifference, much like someone who was speaking of a person he barely knew.

“Are you sure you can’t take us on the tour?” Bitch Face’s sensuous smile was back. “Leif would love to spend some time with his uncle, get to know you and—” Jaime groaned. “Oh dear God, have some pride, woman!” It was impossible not to cringe for her.

Leif’s mouth twitched into a smile, which he hid by ducking his head. It was the same smile that every female, even Greta, was wearing as they all openly showed their disdain for this intruder who seemed intent on spending time with Dante.

Well, every female other than Taryn, who was snarling at Trey. “Only a man would allow a mated male’s ex-girlfriend to stay with the pack and stupidly think that everything will be fine.” Trey cuddled Kye against his chest as if his son could somehow protect him. There was no denying that his tiny mate could be scary at times.

“Well, I have to get to work.” Jaime didn’t miss how Bitch Face’s expression turned cunning, as if she was dreaming up a way to get Dante alone while Jaime was gone. That expression was replaced by one of frustration when he spoke.

“I’m coming with you again.”

Jaime didn’t object for two reasons. One, although she trusted Dante, she really didn’t like the idea that Bitch Face would have the opportunity to get him alone. Two, she had to admit that she liked it when he went along with her. She liked having him around her. Her wolf liked it, liked to be surrounded by his scent.

Although her wolf didn’t totally trust him not to harm her emotionally, she was happy with the bonding and acknowledged that he was her mate. Jaime had to wonder if her wolf would have been content with the mating a few months ago. Her wolf had been much more temperamental back then, so eager to distrust and avoid everyone around her. Now she seemed to be open to trusting Dante. She just didn’t feel that she could yet.

As Jaime wasn’t so opposed to him working with her occasionally, she didn’t overwork him this time. Just as when they were doing Beta duties together, they worked well as a team, tackled the work together and did it peacefully. That was, however, until a certain incident cropped up. One of the dogs that had been transported in a rescue van had gotten out of his crate and stood in the parking lot, growling at anyone who tried to approach.

“Jaime’s best at this,” Ivy declared, electing her for the job of calming and collecting the Doberman. “I’ll be ready with the tranquilizer gun just in case her charm doesn’t work on him.”

“No fucking way.”

Jaime narrowed her eyes at the giant who was suddenly planted in front of her. “Move, Dante.”

“You are not going near that dog. Look at him.” Dante blanched at the mere idea of her going anywhere near it.

“I see him,” she said patiently, understanding that he would feel so overprotective. “I see a scared animal who is feeling defensive right now, and I fully intend to help him.” He folded his arms across his chest. “I said no.”

Those words might not have rankled so much if it hadn’t been for the dominance that coated them. He was actually trying to pressure her into yielding to him, pulling the Beta act on her. Jerk.

“Haven’t we already established that you have no control over me?”

“This isn’t about trying to control you. It’s about keeping you safe from a vicious dog that would happily eat you.”

“Now you’re just being melodramatic.”

“I’m making up for your lack of a flight response.”

She rolled her eyes, losing her tolerance and not prepared to let her mate try to dominate her into giving in to him. It hurt that he would actually do that. “Step aside.”

“No, I will not let you near some traumatized animal that could easily go crazy and attack you!” Realizing what he’d just said, Dante squeezed his eyes shut. By insinuating that the dog behind him was beyond help and could easily snap and hurt people, he was insinuating that things were just as hopeless for Jaime’s wolf. In truth, he didn’t really believe that about her wolf, but his words had given an altogether different impression, and he hadn’t missed the pain that flashed across his mate’s face. He hadn’t had to see it, he’d felt it. “Jaime—” With anger dripping from every word, she spoke in a flat voice. “Move out of my way and let me do my job.” She shouldn’t really be surprised that Dante had never believed her wolf could fully heal, but it hurt all the same, because she had wanted to believe him.


