Who’s Your Daddy – Complete Season 1 Read Online Stasia Black

Categories Genre: Insta-Love, Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 65
Estimated words: 61005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 305(@200wpm)___ 244(@250wpm)___ 203(@300wpm)

I couldn’t bear to find out if it was true. What if they were just playing with me?

Either they’d lie, and I’d be that much more devastated when it all came out. Or they’d tell the truth—that yes, it was a game—and it would all be over. How could either of those things be what I wanted?

So I kept my mouth shut and looked up into Leander’s ever-changeable eyes. Then I whispered the only truth I could, “Please,” I said. “Can we stop thinking for tonight? Can we all just go up to the bedroom and please stop thinking? Can you just make me feel? I want to feel all of your arms around me. Please.” And then I added the word I knew would do him in: “Please, Daddy?”

It had the hoped-for effect. Leander’s lips landed on mine, and then Janus was there too, his body warm. As Leander kissed me deeper, for once I couldn’t care if it was because of the rivalry between them.

In this moment, with Leander’s lips on mine, and three pairs of hands wandering over my body as the elevator lift made my tummy swoop, did I care?

No, no I did not care.

I gave myself up to their touch. And it started getting heated.

At least until the elevator pinged and we all sprang apart. Not in time for the elderly couple not to catch an eyeful though.

I giggled as Leander grabbed my hand in his firm grasp and tugged me past the gaping couple and down the hall towards our room.

My feet felt light as air, like I was flying. Of course, with the men flanking me on all sides, their hands all but lifting me, I might as well have been.

Janus had the door key out and then we were inside.

Leander wasted no time. He had my dress up and over my head before I’d even had a chance to take in the room. We’d only had our luggage sent up earlier, the boys were in such a hurry to take me out on the town.

Of course, the suite was top of the line, dripping in luxury, in shades of golds and creams. Though he’d let go of my hand for a moment, while he helped me in the door, Janus took advantage and lifted me off my feet and carried me to the bed.

I was in nothing but my lingerie at this point.

How had this night flipped so quickly? I’d left the club determined to get some alone time and clear my head. Then again, this was so often how it went with them. I might have my own agenda, but they were always the ones in control.

Milo was the only one who stayed back, a furrow in his brow. I reached out a hand towards him. He still felt like my anchor in the storm.

With all of them here like this, there was no way to sneak off and take the pregnancy test hidden in my luggage. But even at the thought, my brain blanked out.

Nope, couldn’t handle thinking about. Maybe that was why I was so eager to give into them tonight. Giving in meant no more thinking or stressing or worrying about what may or may not be in my belly.

I wanted a few more hours of being irresponsible and giving in to all the things they could make me feel without considering any consequences.

Milo approached and when he got close enough, I clung to his hand. “Please,” I begged. “I need you too, tonight.”

His eyes widened, but he nodded. I noticed Janus and Leander exchange a glance, but they didn’t say anything contrary to my request.

“Okay, baby,” Leander said, crawling up on the bed beside me, stripping off his shirt as he came. He was frowning at me like I was a puzzle he was trying to figure out. “We do it your way tonight.”

His hand came to my throat and he squeezed, not enough that I couldn’t breathe but enough that I definitely felt it. “But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to do what Daddy says.”

A gush of pleasure flooded my sex at his show of dominance and I thrust my neck harder against his grip, nodding furiously.

“Yes, Daddy,” I hissed. Yes, I wanted to lose myself in play, in debauchery, in all of our bodies entwining.

Leander’s pupils dilated as Janus tugged my panties down my thighs.

“Milo,” Leander said, his jaw tight, “get your pants off and get your dick in our woman. You’re feeling her sweet pussy around you tonight.”

Milo groaned and when I looked at his face… He was looking down at me, naked and writhing between the two brothers, and I could see his lust clear as day. His hand was on his cock through his pants. But he was hesitating, even though he looked tormented by doing so.


