Whiskey Neat Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saint’s MC #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Dark, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 78696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 393(@200wpm)___ 315(@250wpm)___ 262(@300wpm)

“My wife’s here, boy,” was his answer. “And you’re lucky I was, or you would’ve had a lot more than just him to take care of.”

I shook my head and turned back to the intruder as Griffin took a step in his father’s direction.

“What do you mean more? Where are they?” Griffin asked. “Go check it out.”

That was said to Casten and Ridley, who immediately split apart and went in opposite directions of the house.

“Outside.” He said. “Likely wishing they were dead if they’re not already.”

Griffin’s parents moved out of the room to get dressed, leaving only Griffin and I with the room’s unwanted occupants.

My eyes moved to the man on the ground while Griffin pulled out his phone to make a call.

The invader was pretending to be knocked out.

I knew it.

So I studied him closely, keeping my light trained on the man while Griffin argued with someone on the phone.

It was a good thing I did, too.

With everyone’s attention but mine diverted, he spit something out onto the carpet, and my eyes widened in disgust.

I didn’t warn anyone yet, though.

I wanted to see what he would do.

And it was good I did, or I wouldn’t have seen the nod, then the shake of his head.

“What did you just do?” I asked the man sharply.

He closed his eyes and feigned sleep, but I wasn’t born yesterday.

I grabbed a hold of Griffin’s arm, and pointed to something on the rug.

“He just spit that out of his mouth,” I indicated the small black thing. “And he just nodded, then shook his head.”

Casten, arriving out of nowhere, bent down and picked it up.

“Camera,” he said, fisting it and then shoving it into his pocket.

Griffin grabbed the man’s face to get him to look at him.

“You’re going to want to wake up, or what I do to you will seem like child’s play in comparison,” Griffin snarled.

Then the stupid man said four words that changed the course of his life.

“I killed your son,” the man said, opening his eyes and smiling at Griffin.

Griffin’s hands tightened on the man’s face.

“You’re lucky that right now I actually want to hear what you have to say, and I wanna hear all about it,” Griffin growled menacingly. “Then I’m going to fuck you up so badly that, if you survive, you’ll be shitting into a bag for what’s left of your life.”

The man didn’t react at all, but I could tell he wanted to.

He wanted to tell Griffin that he was crazy…and maybe he was.

But one doesn’t mention that they killed your pride and joy and not bring the crazy out.

“I did. I enjoyed it, too. I liked the way his small body jerked as the AK-47’s bullets tore through…”

He wasn’t able to finish because I suddenly found myself in motion.

The lamp that’d been on the bar next to me was suddenly in my hand, and I was swinging it at that stupid little shithead’s face.

The lamp itself was made of solid metal.

It consisted of a shaft about four inches thick all the way down, and I’d admired it from the first moment I’d seen it.

The use of it as a weapon had never entered my mind when I’d first admired it, though.

The lamp met the man’s head, knocking him unconscious for real that time.

My chest heaved.

I was glad the fucker had stopped talking.

Griffin had enough visual evidence of his son’s death without adding even more to it.

I dropped the lamp on the floor, and it rolled until it came to a rest against Griffin’s bare foot.

He was looking at me like I’d grown a second head.

“What?” I asked, slightly out of breath.

And the most brilliant of smiles appeared on his face, followed by him standing up and capturing me around the waist, slamming his mouth against mine.

“I fuckin’ love you,” he growled against my lips.

“You say that now…when I beat up some man?” I asked, voice coming out high and squeaky.

“Yeah, I say that now…because I can’t hold it in anymore. I’ve loved you since you sold me a dildo I didn’t need,” he said roughly.

“This is a fuckin’ camera. How about we break up the love fest and figure out just why he needed video evidence of what went on in here,” Griffin’s father interrupted us.

Griffin didn’t acknowledge his father as he stared at me, waiting.

“What?” I asked.

He narrowed his eyes.

“Fine. I love you, too. Happy?” I asked.

He nodded and set me down on my feet.

“Casten, take her into our room to get dressed completely. Socks and shoes. Jeans, if you have them,” Griffin ordered, completely in professional mode now.

“What about you?” I asked as I started to back towards the hallway.

He looked up, and the last view I saw of his face was a seriously scary one. “I won’t be needing new clothes…yet.”

Chapter 19

I started my day waking up in a pool of my own blood. Is that how you’d like to end yours?

-Lenore, period day 1.


I sat down heavily in the chair of The Uncertain Saints club house, tired beyond belief.

And I hoped I never had to make that trip to his mother’s in a two-day time period again anytime soon.

It was torture.

My ass would never be the same…at least it didn’t feel like it.

I was surrounded by all of the Uncertain Saints, and not one of them had a happy look on their face.

“Lenore’s store was hit last night and the prospect, took a bullet to the cheek, but stopped them from doing any serious damage to the store. Luckily, it just grazed his cheek. He’s currently at the hospital getting that looked at. Your place was hit a little less than an hour later, but a couple of Ridley’s deputies had been in the process of doing a drive by so they weren’t able to set the place on fire like they’d originally intended,” Peek started, looking very tired. “Lenore’s place was burned down. Nobody even saw it happening until it was fully engulfed due to the time of night.”

“Doogan!” I yelled somewhat frantically.


