Where Foxes Hunt with Wolves Read online K.A. Merikan (Folk Lore #2)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Folk Lore Series by K.A. Merikan

Total pages in book: 141
Estimated words: 130955 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 655(@200wpm)___ 524(@250wpm)___ 437(@300wpm)

He wouldn’t be useless. Yev liked him pliant, and Radek was starting to learn that he most definitely enjoyed letting Yev have his way in bed.

“Good with knots after all.” He sniggered.

“You won’t be so mouthy once I’m done with you,” Yev whispered, approaching Radek with one of the scarves, still dressed next to Radek’s naked form.

“Why? You gonna gag me too?” He raised his eyebrows in challenge and glanced to the growing bulge in Yev’s jeans. There sure was something there he’d like to gag on.

“Now, why would I do that when I know you’ll be a good little pet,” Yev cooed and stretched the black fabric before wrapping it around Radek’s head so it covered his eyes and sat on the bridge of his nose. The silk was cool to the touch, and Radek shivered as Yev tied the scarf into a knot at the side of his head.

The darkness was both exciting and unnerving. Removed from the comfort of surroundings he knew, he’d been plunged into a world where one of his senses was gone. He’d now rely on Yev even more.

And he loved it.

“You just like to hear me moan,” he whispered.

“That too,” Yev said, gently pressing on Radek’s chest to force him down as he climbed on top, making the mattress dip on either side of Radek’s hips. He took hold of Radek’s left hand and slid a scarf around the wrist, before making another loop at the elbow.

Radek didn’t have to see him to be turned on by just how massive Yev was. He could sense Yev’s weight, the strength with which he pulled on the arm, and experiencing it without the chance to see his lover turned him on more than he’d anticipated. It added a layer of vulnerability he hadn’t expected. Not only because he couldn’t see what Yev was about to do next, but because he lay there naked and didn’t know what part of him Yev’s gaze focused on either.

He'd been naked with lovers before, but now he was bare.

His lover cupped the stump and petted it before tying a much smoother scarf around his elbow. Then, as if he’d done it a thousand times before, Yev moved off, and rolled Radek to his stomach. He brought the two elbows close together, tying a knot behind Radek’s back, and the slide of his jeans against the flesh of Radek’s buttocks produced a sensation so exquisite a sharp moan left Radek’s lips.

Yes, he was vulnerable, but also an object of desire, and the thought of it made him spread his thighs to tease Yev. His breath quickened with excitement at the sense of empowerment this moment gave him. Yev enjoyed taking care of him no less than he’d enjoyed offering his protection to Ember. He wanted Radek the way he was and only desired his affection in return.

Radek was too caught up in the moment to come up with some silly one-liner that would have made light of their situation and protected his vulnerable heart. And Yev sensed it.

“Nothing to say,” he uttered with a dark chuckle. His hand ghosted down Radek’s back, then across his chest, and then lower, like a hungry creature searching for the sustenance of the juiciest meat.

A broken moan left Radek’s lips when Yev stroked his dick first with his fingers, then with the entire hand, which tightened around it, and tugged on the length to the rhythm of the fast nips he peppered over Radek’s neck and shoulder. Each little pinch heightened the sensitivity of Radek’s skin, prompting him to breathe faster, in anticipation of bites that hurt so good.

“Wolf got my tongue?” Radek tried, leaning into the touch. He’d grown unreasonably addicted to Yev’s bites, writhing like a snake to get the most of both Yev’s lips and hand.

The bondage itself was still new and unnerving, but being at Yev’s mercy pushed all the buttons Radek didn’t know existed. As he got used to the blindfold, his other senses sharpened to experience touch, smell, and taste with unusual intensity. Radek knew Yev’s favorite aftershave by heart. Fresh like the ocean, it combined so well with the smoky aroma that always seemed to cling to Yev’s hair. And when Radek closed his eyes and breathed in his lover’s scent, it was like being under him on a secluded beach on the edge of a forest, with an extinguished campfire nearby.

“This wolf will soon get something else you have,” Yev whispered straight into his ear, triggering a series of shivers so abrupt for a moment Radek wasn’t sure whether the sensation in his nipples was the result of pinching or just his reaction to the words. He didn’t get to answer before Yev effortlessly nudged his legs apart, forcing his face into the covers with a decisive push. Radek’s head spun until he no longer knew where on the bed he was, but location ceased to matter when his big, bad wolf pulled his hard cock back between his legs and sucked in the tip.


