When We Burn (The Blackwells of Montana #1) Read Online Kristen Proby

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Blackwells of Montana Series by Kristen Proby

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 102016 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 510(@200wpm)___ 408(@250wpm)___ 340(@300wpm)

“I wish I could enjoy that with her.” She sniffles, and I swipe at the tears on her cheek with my thumb. “But I can’t.”

“I know, and it’s okay. You need to let that guilt go, because it’s okay. And it’s not your fault. I promise, baby, we only want you to be comfortable here, and if that’s the one place that’s your hard limit, we’ll respect that.”

“Thank you.” She wipes at her tears and takes a deep breath. “I hope we’re not having chicken for dinner.”

I can’t help but chuckle at that, relieved that she has some color back in her cheeks.

“I think we’re having pot roast.”

“Yum.” She sighs against me and rubs her hand over my chest, as if she’s comforting me as much as herself. “I’ve worked really hard to keep the shit I carry around because of that man away from my everyday life. I did a good job of it when I lived in Bozeman.”

“But you’re here now, and there are going to be some hard moments.”

“I’m sorry if I’m a lot.”

I feel my brows pinch together. “I can handle it, kitten. Don’t worry about me for a second. And if you have one of those bad moments, you just tell me, and we can do this until it’s better.”

She swallows hard and then offers me a small smile. “You’re pretty good for me, you know?”

“I like to think we’re good for each other.”

A car pulls in, and we both look over to see Bee parking in front of the house. When she climbs out of her car, she looks tired but very happy.

“I’m making a killing at the shop,” she says by way of a greeting. “Here’s hoping that trend continues. Hey, you okay, D?”

Dani nods but takes Bee’s hand when she approaches.

“Chickens,” is all Dani has to say.

“Got it. Better now?”


Bee’s gaze finds mine, and I nod.

“Good. Let’s go eat before our brothers scarf it all down and we’re left with the dregs of mashed potatoes and a sliver of pot roast.”

“Let’s go eat,” I agree.

Chapter Twelve


Isplash some cold water on my face and then stare at my reflection in the mirror. I don’t look quite as pale as when I came in here a minute ago. Bridger joined his family in the dining room, and I detoured to the bathroom to calm down the rest of the way.

I’ve had such a great day with my man and his adorable daughter. Being on the ranch is fun and doesn’t bother me at all. I’ve always loved it out here.

Unless someone mentions those darn chickens, and then I lose it. They’re just birds. But the trauma I still carry from them is in the marrow of my bones, and it might be the one thing that I’ll never fully recover from. The screams. The horrifying noises that the chickens made when my father tortured them. I’ll never unhear those screams. The stricken expression on my sisters’ faces.

I shudder.

I know it could be much worse, and it felt good to have Bridger hold me through the worst of the panic attack.

I pat my face dry with a towel and take a deep breath.

I’m not going to let bad memories ruin the rest of this day. The house smells delicious, and I’m hungry, so I open the door of the bathroom and am surprised to find Bridger leaning against the opposite wall, waiting for me, his arms crossed over his chest, looking delicious.

“You should be eating,” I inform him, taking his offered hand and linking our fingers.

“I’m making sure my girl’s okay.”

His girl. It never fails to wake up the butterflies in my belly.

“I’m much better, thank you.” I boost up on my toes and offer him my lips, and he gives me a quick kiss. “And I’m hungry.”

“Well, we can take care of that.”

Bridger leads me to the dining room off the kitchen, where everyone’s already seated around the table, filling their plates.

“How’s the school year going, Dani?” Brooks asks as he passes me a wooden bowlful of fresh rolls from the oven. He smiles at me, and any remaining nerves I have dissipate.

“It’s going really well,” I reply as I dig in, accepting platters and bowls to add to my dinner plate, and then passing them on. “I was a little nervous about starting at a new school, but all of the staff has been so great. It helps that I already know so many of them, and my kiddos are super fun. Aren’t you, Birdie?”

“We’re fun,” Birdie confirms with a nod as she scoops up some mashed potatoes onto her fork. “Miss Dani has snacks and really pretty unicorns all over the room, and we play outside, too.”

Birdie usually calls me Miss Dani, even at home, and I don’t correct her. It’s probably easier for her.


