When We Burn (The Blackwells of Montana #1) Read Online Kristen Proby

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Blackwells of Montana Series by Kristen Proby

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 102016 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 510(@200wpm)___ 408(@250wpm)___ 340(@300wpm)

“You need a nap.”

I turn at the familiar deep voice and grin. Holy heck, he’s wearing his baseball hat backward, and I’m pretty sure my ovaries are singing the “Hallelujah Chorus.” “Good morning.”

“Have I told you how beautiful you look in your teacher gear?”

I wrinkle my nose at that and glance down at my gray slacks and simple pink blouse. “This is as boring as it gets.”

“That is absolutely false,” Bridger replies and hugs Birdie back when she wraps her arms around his legs.

“I’m going in,” Birdie announces and runs off.

Bridger sidles up next to me and brushes the back of his hand over mine. His minimal touches here and there get my blood pumping.

“I should not be flirting with a dad when I’m at work,” I whisper to him, making him grin.

“I disagree, as long as I’m the dad. Otherwise, you’re in big trouble, kitten.”

“I’m not kidding, Bridger.” I take a deep breath and let it out slowly when he takes a tiny step away from me.

“You’re coming to dinner tonight.” He arches an eyebrow when my gaze whips up to his. “No excuses this time. I want to flirt with you without prying eyes.”

“Your daughter will be there.”

“I don’t care if she sees me flirt with you.” His answer is so easy, his smile so dang smug. “Say you’ll be there, Dani.”

“What are you planning to feed me?”

His lips twitch. “Burgers on the grill.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “You know I love a good burger.”

“I’m glad to hear that hasn’t changed. So, say yes.”

“Okay, yes, I’ll come.” My eyes widen, and when he snorts, I shake my head. “Not like that.”

“Oh, yeah.” He leans in a bit, still not touching me, but whispering in my ear so only I can hear him. “Like that. Maybe not tonight, but soon.”

His beautiful face splits into a grin when I don’t have a comeback for him. “I’ll see you tonight. Have a good Monday, Miss Dani.”

He winks and then saunters over to his truck and drives away, and it takes at least another two minutes before my heart slows down. Why did he have to break out the backward hat? Is he trying to kill me?

Now I have to get through the day while thinking about dinner at his house. I should have asked him if I could bring something, and I would have, if I wasn’t so befuddled by him.

I glance at my watch. The bell rings in five minutes, so I make my way inside to start the day.

“I brought brownies,” I announce as I walk into Bridger’s house. “I got them from The Sugar Studio downtown.”

“Yum,” Birdie says with a smile.

“You didn’t have to bring anything,” Bridger says when he takes the plate from me, then presses his lips to my temple. “I’m just glad you’re here.”

He’s ridiculously swoony, in a broody, grumpy sort of way. I read a lot of spicy romance novels, and Bridger ranks up there with some of the hottest book boyfriends I’ve ever read. Like, he shouldn’t be real.

But his lips are on my skin, and his free hand is pressing against my lower back as he leads me toward the kitchen, and he feels real.

“We’re grilling burgers,” Birdie informs me.

“I heard. Thank you for inviting me.”

“You didn’t bring Pickles,” she says, her brown eyes concerned.

“No, she has to stay at home, but you can come see her soon.”

“Okay. Daddy, can I go watch TV?”

“Until dinner,” Bridger confirms.

“What can I do to help? I can press out patties or cut vegetables or whatever you need.”

“You,” he says, pointing to me with the business end of a knife, “sit your gorgeous ass on that stool and talk to me while I work.”

“You’re quite complimentary.” The hottest man I’ve ever seen just called me gorgeous. I inch up onto the stool and lean on the countertop, watching him, not sure what else to say.

“I call ’em like I see ’em.” He winks at me and pops a piece of cheese into his mouth, then passes one to me, which I accept.

I’m starving. My post-school snack seems so long ago right now.

What also feels like so long ago is when Bridger made it clear we’d never be more than friends. And despite usually being clueless about these things, even I can feel the shift. He wanted to kiss me in my driveway. He touches me, flirts with me. All I can conclude is that Bridger has changed his mind about being just friends. What it’s going to lead to, I have no idea, but I’m interested to find out because grown-up Bridger is way better than he was when I had a crush on him when I was a teenager.

However, I’m also nervous because I wasn’t lying to him this morning when I told him that I shouldn’t be messing around with a student’s parent. There’s no explicit rule against it, but surely it’s frowned upon from an ethical point of view.


