When She’s Common – Risdaverse Read Online Ruby Dixon

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 159
Estimated words: 144433 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 722(@200wpm)___ 578(@250wpm)___ 481(@300wpm)

That makes her laughter huff out breathlessly. "Never thought I'd hear that."

"Is that all? You made your body sound as if it was covered in fur." I'm amused at how chagrined she was over the thought of a bit of leg fuzz.

Maeve licks her lips. "I...have some between my thighs."

Now we are getting to the good stuff. I resist the urge to lick my lips, too. "Show me, Maeve."

She makes another soft, whimpery sound.




This is the weirdest damn foreplay I've ever had, and I've never been more turned on in my life.

It stands to reason that sex with an alien would be different, but I guess I somehow didn't picture him in raptures over my armpits and excited about the bush I've got between my legs. When in Rome and all that. It should make me feel confident that I can be as natural as I want to be grooming-wise, and yet I'm on edge because now I really, really don't know what to expect.

But Zhur is kneeling in front of me and eyeing my panties like they're the gift wrap on a Christmas present and need to be torn away.

"Hang on," I say quickly before he can get any ideas. "I need to take my panties off."

"Is that what these are?" He pokes at the drawstring waistband with amusement. "Pan-tees? What is the purpose? Are you incontinent?"

"What? No! Humans don't like all their bits waving in the breeze, that's all."

"Did you have a breeze under your dress?" Zhur gives me an amused look. "These look uncomfortable. Don't they get caught in places?"

"We had more comfortable ones back home," I tell him primly as I slip out of his grip and slide them off. "I paid a laundress good money to make me several pairs because aliens aren't big into underpants." Incontinent. Sheesh. I shuck my panties off with irritation and toss them into the laundry. This is supposed to be a sexy moment and he's making me feel like a weirdo just because I like panties between me and the rest of my clothes. "If you're done criticizing⁠—"

"Not criticizing," he says. "Learning." His gaze is locked on my hips and he hasn't moved from his spot where he kneels on the floor. "I am enjoying this, Maeve. There is no shame between us, simply education. If I do not know, I will ask. I hope you will do the same."

I give him an uneasy nod. I'm being defensive and it's not his fault. "This is just strange for me. I'm sorry."

"If you wish to stop at any time, simply say so." He tears his gaze away from my naked lower half reluctantly and meets my eyes. "We are seeking pleasure, not misery."

"It's okay." I gesture at my lower half, still feeling awkward. "So...tadaa."

Zhur gestures that I should approach him again, his attention focused on my body.

I step forward, moving into his embrace again, my cheeks hot. I'm practically in his face with my naked parts, still feeling wildly out of sorts. He slides his hands to my hips and rests them there, then cups my backside, one cheek in each hand. "I keep looking for a tail only to realize you don't have one."

"No tail," I say, breathless. "Sorry to disappoint."

"I am not disappointed." His tone is thoughtful, his thumbs stroking my skin. "You have other treasures."

Treasures? "Such as?"

Zhur's gaze is fixed on my pubic mound and the thatch of dark curls there. He slides his hands closer, framing my pussy but not quite touching it. "Well, now when you wear clothing I am going to picture this, always. It is going to make concentrating difficult."

Heat slides through my veins once more. "I should point out that you're still dressed."

"Give me time." He sounds distracted, as if my pussy is so alluring he can't focus on anything else. "May I touch you?"

I should point out to him that we need to start with kissing. That we should maybe do a little breast teasing, some foreplay, some groping before we head straight for third base. That's how things are done, right? I should tell him this.

Instead, all I say is "Yes."

Zhur's gaze flicks up to my face and then he's lightly sliding his fingertips over my cleft. He brushes over the curls shielding my sex and his breathing grows raspy. "I like this. I like this a lot."

My breathing speeds up, too. It's hard to remain still while he's touching me, exploring me. My hands hang limp at my sides and it occurs to me that I can touch him, too. That I should touch him.

I'm not new to this. I've had sex before. Why am I acting like I fell off the turnip truck? Better yet, the virgin truck?

So I deliberately reach out and touch him. I brush my fingers through the tufts of fur along his jaw while he toys with my cleft and runs his claws through my pubic hair. He's not really furry like a cat, I decide. More just...aggressively hairy in certain spots. These are more like muttonchops or sideburns than actual neck fur. I slide my hands up further and run a fingertip along the triangular point of one ear. These are very, very inhuman, though.


