What About Now (Everlasting Ink #4) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73884 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“But I always spend my birthday with Briar.”

“I know, but please, can we have this weekend?” I feel like an asshole not telling her. I have to keep reminding myself that the surprise will be worth it.

“Yeah,” she finally agrees. “I guess this year is different for both of us. We both have husbands now.”

“That’s the spirit.” If we pull this off, it’s going to be epic.

Three and a half hours later, we’re pulling into the cabin. We’re the last to arrive from the looks of the four other trucks parked outside. Brogan gasps as she recognizes the trucks.

“They’re all here?” she asks.


“Maddox!” She turns to me, and she’s smiling.

“I’d never take you away from your sister on your birthday.”

“I love you.”

“And I love you. Come on. Let’s go inside. I’ll get our bags later.” I don’t bother to tell her to wait for me to get her door, because I know she’s too excited for that. She hops out of the truck, and I do the same, lacing my fingers with hers as we take each step to the front porch. On the final step, the door bursts open, and Briar comes rushing out. I drop Brogan’s hand just in time for her twin sister to launch herself into my wife’s arms.

“Can you believe this?” Briar asks. “You have to see the cabin. This place is insane.”

Brogan looks back at me over her shoulder where I stand watching my wife and her sister have their moment. “Go check it out. I’ll get our bags.” That’s the only encouragement she needs as they rush inside to check the place out.

I take my time getting back to the truck, grabbing both of our bags, and heading inside.

“Hey,” Forrest greets me with a one-armed hug. “There are a million bedrooms left to choose from.”

I laugh at that. “I’ll let Brogan choose,” I say, placing our bags on the floor. I whistle when I take in the cabin. It’s not overly fancy, but it’s exactly what a cabin in the Smoky Mountains should be. Lots of windows looking over the vast mountains, and a huge living space big enough to support a large family.

“Good thing Royce is giving us the family discount on this place. I don’t know if we could have afforded it otherwise,” Lachlan says.

“I had to force him to do that,” Roman speaks up. “He wanted to give it to us for free, and said he’d be by the new shop for some more ink, but I insisted.”

“Thanks for doing this,” I tell him.

“The ladies are happy.” Roman nods.

“They are.”

The five of us, along with the twins, Lilly, and Kane, settle in the living room. The kids have already got toys spread out to play with, and it makes me smile. I can’t wait until this is our home, full of toys and the pitter-patter of little feet. Some parents complain about stepping over toys, and I can’t wait for it. I can’t wait to start a family with my wife.

A few hours later, the guys and I are in the kitchen making dinner. We’ve vowed that our wives, and Maggie, of course, have a nice relaxing weekend, and we’re going to take care of everything.

“Thanks for being born,” Monroe tells them. “I can get behind being spoiled like this.” She laughs.

“It’s nice,” Emerson agrees, “but I also like to be the one spoiling. I feel like Rome does so much for Lilly and me already.”

“For sure,” Monroe agrees.

“Right?” Briar says. “I don’t know how we got so lucky.”

“We’re the lucky ones,” I call out to them, and they all laugh.

“You’re not supposed to be listening to us!” Brogan calls back.

“You know better than that,” I say, joining them at the table and placing a bottle of water in front of her. “Anyone else need a drink?” I ask. They call off what they’d like, and I move back to the kitchen to get it, but Lachlan is already pulling the drinks out of the fridge and moving to pass them out.

“Ladies.” He winks.

“Don’t flirt with my wife!” Roman, Forrest, Legend, and I all shout at the exact same time. The ladies snicker, and Lachlan smirks.

“I can’t help it. It’s my sex appeal. Chicks dig it,” he jokes.

I turn to glare at him, but find him grinning and tossing a wink at Maggie. Her face heats, but she quickly looks away as if nothing happened. Interesting. I make a mental note to ask Brogan if she noticed that little display later tonight.

Once dinner is ready, we rally the troops and sit down at the huge dining table together to eat. We laugh, we talk, and enjoy a great meal. For the next couple of hours, we play with the kids, and once they go to bed, we build a fire in the fireplace, and we’re all snuggled up. The ladies, minus Briar, have a glass of wine, while the guys all have a beer, well, all except for Forrest. In solidarity with his wife, he’s not drinking. I imagine I’ll be the same way once Brogan is pregnant. Not to mention I’m certain I’ll be a mess and will want to stay sober in case she needs anything.


