What About Now (Everlasting Ink #4) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73884 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“You’re beautiful,” I tell her.

She blushes. “Thank you. What are you doing ringing the doorbell? Did you forget your key?”

“I’m picking my girl up for a date.” I watch as my words sink in, and her eyes soften.

“Maddox.” She places her hand over her heart and her eyes shimmer with tears.

“These are for you.” I hand her the flowers and peck her cheek with a kiss. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“They’re beautiful.” She smiles up at me. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she says shyly.

“They don’t compare to you.”

“I’ve already agreed to dinner,” she teases.

“Another first,” I tell her, and her smile lights up the entire fucking sky.

“Come on in and I’ll put this inside.” She stares down at the vase, because I remembered from last time.

She carries the flowers to the kitchen and places them on the island. I stand back and watch as she pulls out her phone and takes a couple of pictures before turning to face me.

“You ready?”

“I am. Still no hints as to where we’re going?” she asks.

“My lips are sealed. I can tell you we’re headed to Nashville.”

“Nashville. The possibilities are endless.”

“Exactly.” I help her into her coat before offering her my arm. She takes it without hesitation and leans into me as I walk her out to my truck. “My lady,” I say, opening the door for her.

“Thank you, Mad,” she whispers.

I nod and rush around to my side of the truck. “That scarf is pretty. It brings out your eyes,” I tell her.

“Thank you. I, um, I actually made it.”

“What? You made that?” I ask, taking another quick glance at her, before turning my eyes back onto the road.

“Yeah, I used to crochet a lot. I know it’s nerdy, but it’s relaxing for me. I got back into it pretty heavily when Briar and the girls moved out. It helped pass the loneliness.”

“I’ve not seen you do it.”

“It’s been a while, well, since you moved in, actually.”

“Why? If it’s something that you enjoy?”

“I don’t know. I guess I didn’t want to show you the nerdy me.”

“Brogan, I want every piece of you.” I reach over and rest my hand on her thigh. “There isn’t a single hobby you could have that would make me not want to be right next to you while you do it.”

“Right.” She laughs. “Like you want to sit beside me while I crochet each night?” She says it like the thought is preposterous, when in reality, we could be staring at the blank wall, and I’d be thrilled to be next to her. That’s how far I’ve fallen for my wife.

“Why not? You enjoy it. Of course I’d want to watch you do something you love. Maybe I can even convince you to make me something.”

“You don’t have to say that.”

“I mean it. It’s cold as hell this time of year.” She’s quiet for several minutes.

“What kind of wife would I be if I didn’t make something for my husband?”

My heart hammers in my chest and I swallow hard. Fuck me, does she understand what it does to me when she refers to me as her husband? “Mine,” I tell her. “You’d be mine, and no pressure,” I answer.

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you.”

“You haven’t even seen it yet,” she says, and I can hear the humor in her tone.

“I’ve seen yours. I know you’re incredible. It’s going to be great.”

“What about you? Any secret hobbies I don’t know about?”

“Nah, I like to draw. Hence the job, but other than that, just hanging out with the guys. We used to go fishing a lot when we were younger, but once we were old enough to drink, we’d just chill at someone’s house, usually Forrest’s because he would have Emerson.”

“I’ve never had a lot of friends. I had Briar, and that was enough for me. However, I can admit it’s nice to have Emerson, Monroe, and Maggie added to that list.”

“And me. Did I make the list?”

“Are you my friend?” she asks, teasing.

“If by friend you mean I get to kiss the air from your lungs and touch every inch of your sexy body, then, yeah, beautiful, we’re the best of friends.”

Her laughter fills the cab of my truck, and I wish I could record the sound to play for times when she’s not with me.

“Mario’s. We’re going to Mario’s,” she says, as I pull my truck into the lot.

“Your favorite, right?”

She nods, tears welling in her eyes. “The last time I was here was our high school graduation. Right before our dad was diagnosed with cancer.”

“We can go somewhere else.” Fuck, I didn’t think about this place bringing up painful memories for her.

“No. Please, no. I want to be here.” She takes off her seat belt and turns to face me. “I don’t know how you always know what I need, Maddox Lanigan, but this, it’s perfect. This was our special place, and now I get to share it with you.”


