What About Now (Everlasting Ink #4) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73884 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“Breathe, baby.” Maddox bends to whisper in my ear. “They’re going to love you. I promise you, everything is going to be okay.”

“I’ve never had to do this, Maddox. And you’re their son who goes on a trip and comes back with a wife they’ve never met.”

“Trust me, beautiful. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, we’ll leave. Just tap your cheek with your index finger, and I’ll make an excuse for us to go.”

“I can’t do that. This is your family. I’ll be okay.” I square my shoulders and hope like hell my words are true.

“Brogan Lanigan, you are my wife. You are my family and my priority. If you’re not comfortable, then we leave. You don’t know them yet, but believe me when I tell you if it were my mom who was uncomfortable, my dad would be getting her the hell out of there.” He kisses my temple. “You’ll see.”

With one hand still gripping mine, he pushes open the front door. “We’re here!” he calls out.

“Finally!” a female voice calls back. I hear feet moving down the hall, and a woman appears with a tall man who looks like an older version of Maddox standing behind her, wearing a kind smile. “Oh, she’s beautiful.” She bypasses Maddox and comes for me, wrapping me in a hug.

A swarm of emotions hit me with her embrace. Sadness that I missed these types of hugs with my mother. Longing as I wish she were here, and relief that his mother is so accepting of me, a stranger her son married, and she’s welcoming me into their lives.

I grip Maddox’s hand, and he chuckles. “Mom, take it easy, yeah?”

“Maddox Lanigan, you’ve made me wait almost thirty-four years for a daughter. I will not take it easy.” She gives him a glare that would bring a lesser man to his knees before turning back to me, and a smile transforms her face. “I’m Cassie. You can call me Cassie or Mom, whichever you prefer, and this is Hank.”

“Let me have my turn, sweetheart,” Hank says, chuckling. Cassie harrumphs but steps aside and allows Hank room to bend down and wrap me in a hug. “Welcome to the family. Hank or Dad is fine.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I tell them. My voice cracks from the overwhelming emotions coursing through me.

“Mom, Dad, this is my wife, Brogan. Wife, these are my parents, Cassie and Hank Lanigan.”

“Come in, come in.” Cassie moves to stand next to me and loops her arm through mine. “My son has been greedy, so it’s my turn. I hope you like lasagna,” she says, leading me down the hall.

“Mom, she’s mine!” Maddox calls back, and I can hear the humor in his voice.

“Maddox, I taught you how to share.”

“Not my wife.”

“Let her have this, son.” I hear his dad say.

“If she makes Brogan uncomfortable, we’re out of here,” Maddox replies.

Although I’m embarrassed to have all the attention on me, I’m also grateful for the man I married and his willingness to put me first. My dad was the first and last man to ever do that, and I allowed myself to forget how that felt until this moment.

“Oh, he’s smitten. Good job,” Cassie whispers in my ear, laughing as we enter the kitchen. “Tell me everything,” Cassie says, pointing to a barstool at the counter. “My son tells me nothing.”

I feel strong hands grip my shoulders, and the heat of him against my back. “She’s not yours,” Maddox says, teasing his mother. Their banter, and the kind smiles of both of his parents, help put me at ease.

“Oh, my dear boy, you’re delusional. I don’t care what you say. You’re sharing her with me.” Cassie turns her eyes back to me. “I’ve lived with all this testosterone for far too long. I needed another woman in this house. These two”—she points to Maddox and Hank—“finally have some competition.” She leans over the counter and holds her hand up for a high-five, and I chuckle as I slap my hand against hers. “You boys are in for it,” she says, a glimmer of humor dancing in her eyes.

“Bring it, baby,” Hank says. He moves behind her, places his hands on her hips, and kisses her cheek.

“Told you,” Maddox says, his lips next to my ear.

I glance at him over my shoulder. “They’re great.” I mean that with everything that I am. My heart is smiling at the obvious love this family shares for one another. It makes me miss my dad, but it also makes me grateful for the man standing next to me. For what he’s brought into my life. I swallow back the lump in my throat and focus on the here and now.

He leans forward and kisses the tip of my nose. “So are you.”

It’s hard for me to believe this moment is real. I want to pinch myself to make sure this isn’t a dream. I feel too comfortable, too safe for it not to be, but when I covertly pinch the side of my thigh, and it smarts, I know this is real. This is my new life, if I have the courage to take it. If I find it in myself to dig deep and leave the past behind, and live for the future. Could the walls that hold so many pictures of the lives of the Maddox’s family one day include me? Could this be my new family?


