What About Now (Everlasting Ink #4) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73884 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“Let me take care of you, Brogan.” I see indecision on her face, but she eventually nods and settles back onto the couch. Dipping out two helpings of dinner, I grab two forks, some napkins, and make my way back to her.

“Thank you.”

“This is so good,” I say, after taking my first bite. She beams at me, and that’s how we eat the first meal we cooked together as husband and wife.

“I’ll take care of these,” she says, taking my empty bowl out of my hands. “Do you want more?”

“No, I’m stuffed. Did you see how full my bowl was?”

“Let me clean up and I’ll be in for the movie.”

“I’m going to grab a quick shower.” I’m all sweaty from lifting those boxes. I rush through my shower because I have a cuddle movie date with my wife.

I find her in the living room, with the remote in hand, and both of our glasses of tea refilled.


“Not yet.” I take a seat on the opposite end of the couch. “Come here.” She raises her brow in question, but does as I ask, and moves closer. I pull her into my arms, and drape the blanket over her lap. “Now I’m ready.”

I don’t know what I expected, but it’s not her relaxing into me and starting the movie. If this is what the next fifty or so years are going to be like, I hope time drags so I can enjoy every second with her.




I’ve changed my outfit three times, and the bedroom looks like a bomb exploded. I don’t know why I’m this nervous. I’ve had dinner with my sister and her daughters at Forrest’s place, which is now their home, more times than I can count since they moved.

This time shouldn’t be any different.

I keep telling myself this, but I’m still stressing about it. It’s the first time Maddox and I will be attending anything with our friends and family since being married a week ago today. The morning after at the hotel doesn’t count. I was still firmly in the “we’re getting this annulled” camp at the time. Now, well, I’ve agreed to give him six months, and a week in, I know my husband is not against playing dirty.

The things this man says. He melts my insides. We’re talking swoon all the way, and I can’t tell if he’s playing a game, or if that’s just really him. My heart tells me that’s just Maddox in a relationship, but my head, that bastard tells me I can’t trust it. It’s going to be a long six months.


I look up to find Maddox standing in the doorway of the bedroom. The one we now share. “Sorry.” I wince.

He steps inside and doesn’t stop until he has his arms wrapped around me. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”

“I’m trying to find something to wear,” I mumble against his chest. Something I’ve learned over the last week about my new husband is that he’s a touchy-feely guy, and he loves hugs. Not only does he love them, but he’s damn good at it. It’s been a week, and already his arms around me have a calming effect, like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

“You’d look beautiful in a paper sack.”

“Stop.” I playfully swat at his chest.

“Tell me what’s really going on, Brogan?” His voice is soft, soothing almost.

I exhale loudly, but I don’t pull away from his hold. “It’s the first time we’re doing something with other people since the morning we woke up married.”


“And… I don’t know. I’m just… nervous, I guess.”

“You have nothing to be nervous about.” He pulls back and places his index finger beneath my chin so that I have to look at him. “You and me, Brogan. That’s how we face this. Together. I’m your huckleberry, baby. If you want to leave at any time, we will, but, baby, this is our future. You don’t go to these things alone anymore. And it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. Everyone is going to be happy to see you. You’re the same Brogan you were two weeks ago, only now, you’re also a wife. My wife, and trust me, there isn’t a single piece of clothing in this house that you would look bad in.” He bends and kisses the tip of my nose.

“Yeah, yeah,” I mutter, feeling mollified at his response. I pull out of his arms and look down at the black leggings and oversized sweater I’m wearing. I guess this will have to do. I know I’m freaking out for nothing, but I don't know how to stop it.

“You’re beautiful, Brogan.”

I look up to find him watching me intently. There is nothing but honesty staring back at me, and that look, the one I’m learning to know and trust, mends another small broken piece of me. “I just need to grab my shoes and I’m ready to go. I’ll deal with all of this”—I wave my arms around the room—“when we get back.”


