Well Played Read Online Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 108124 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 432(@250wpm)___ 360(@300wpm)

My first instinct was to immediately refuse. Why the hell should I go back now, especially since things were so unresolved between Presley and me?

But then it occurred to me that maybe this phone call happened for a reason. Maybe taking the opportunity to leave early was my ticket out of this whole situation. Maybe it was the right thing to do, even if it wasn’t what I wanted.

I pulled on my hair. “Do me a favor. Let me think about this overnight. I’ve had way too much to drink to make a decision about anything right now. I’ll mull it over and let you know in the morning.”

“Well, that’s not a no, so I’ll freaking take it.”

“Bye, Rich.”

I hung up and dropped my phone on the counter before scrubbing my hand over my face.

A few minutes later, I called for a ride and left a wad of cash for the bartender. I’d planned accordingly and dropped my car off at The Palm Inn earlier before taking an Uber here. The last thing I needed was to be arrested for driving while intoxicated on top of everything else.


The following morning, I awoke to find a mane of beautiful, long hair covering my chest. I blinked my eyes as Presley straddled me. She began to kiss down my torso.

Equal parts turned on and panicked, I whispered, “What are you doing?”

“Tanner took Alex for donuts. We don’t have much time, but I couldn’t wait to wake you up. I missed you so much last night.”

Her kisses landed lower and lower.

Hit with a wave of guilt despite my raging hard-on, I didn’t know whether to stop this or give in. Before I could think too much about it, I felt her mouth wrapped around my cock. I groaned, bending my head back and allowing myself to enjoy it for a few seconds before forcing myself back to reality. Knowing the decision I’d made as I tossed and turned in the middle of the night last night, I couldn’t let her do this.

I yanked my body back. It pained me to see the look in her eyes as she blinked up at me in confusion.

“What’s wrong?”

“We can’t. It’s too risky. They could come back sooner than you think.”

If I wasn’t feeling so goddamn guilty about my plan to leave early, I could never have refused sex. But I had no right to her now.

Worry filled Presley’s eyes as she moved to sit at the corner of the bed.

I sat up and cradled her face in my hands before planting a deep and passionate kiss on her lips. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to burn the feeling into my memory before finally stopping the contact. I licked my lips, unsure if that would be my last taste of her.

“Why don’t you go get dressed, and I’ll make a quick breakfast for us so we can talk before they come back,” I said.

Still wearing a sullen look, Presley nodded before she hopped off the bed and went back to her room.

This was not how I wanted to leave things. I felt sick to my stomach, but for once I needed to do the right thing instead of what made me feel good.

After I threw my jeans and a T-shirt on, I headed to the kitchen and got to work making coffee, eggs, bacon, and toast for Presley and me. I’d likely not be able to stomach any of it, though.

Dread settled in my gut because I had to somehow figure out a way to explain myself. Fuck if I knew how to break the news. Was it easier to just leave in the dead of night? Maybe then she’d hate me and wouldn’t care so damn much. She was going to be hurt no matter what, and in some ways, I’d rather she be angry at me than heartbroken.

I was just about to call her to the kitchen when the front door opened.

A few seconds later, Tanner and Alex walked in, just as I was plating the eggs.

I feigned a smile as Alex walked toward me on his crutches.

I put down the pan. “How’s my tough guy?”

“My leg still hurts,” my nephew said with pink frosting at the corner of his mouth.

“I’m sure it does, buddy.”

“I’m still going to the peewee party on Friday night, though, even if I can’t play this week.”

“That’s the spirit.”

Tanner didn’t say anything as he walked to the refrigerator and took something out.

“You have to come to the party, Uncle Levi. A bunch of my friends want to see you one more time before you leave.”

My chest tightened, and I made the impulsive decision to let this be the moment I broke the news. Because, let’s face it, this wasn’t going to get any easier if I waited.

“Actually, bud, I can’t.”


