War Games Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 108563 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 543(@200wpm)___ 434(@250wpm)___ 362(@300wpm)

Fuck me. This woman will be the death of me. Literally.

“Little Siren, I promise, you will pay for that.”

She grins back at me, tossing the blade in her hand and catching it perfectly in her palm, preparing to take another swing. “I’d like to see you try.”

Then, with every bit of strength she possesses in her perfect body, she lunges toward The Executioner again, her blade aiming right for his throat. I fly after her, my arm locking around her slim waist, and as our bodies propel forward, I disarm her, taking the blade right out of her grasp before plunging it straight through The Executioner’s eye.



My chest heaves as Reaper and I crash to the dirty ground, his strong arms bracing around my body and protecting me from the impact. I have no fucking idea what happened, but somehow The Executioner is dead with my blade protruding from his right eyeball, but I wasn’t the one who put it there. Only, I could have sworn that blade was in my hand when I lunged for him.

How the fucking hell did that happen?

I suppose this is what I get for baiting a man like Reaper. Though he was technically the one to bait me, and I loved it.

Perhaps I’ve gotten too comfortable with him and forgotten exactly what he was capable of. After all, there was a reason I was so petrified of him when we first met, and it’ll be wise to remember that. Only, I don’t think he’s ever going to hurt me. He’s somehow gone from being my greatest threat to my fiercest protector. Even if he’s an asshole who makes me work for my kills . . . or lack thereof. But there’s no denying that from the second he dared to go after my target, I’ve never had so much fun.

Having said that, I still can’t figure out how the hell he managed to disarm me and claim my kill all within the blink of an eye. Though one thing is for sure, there’s no questioning his skill. He’s better than the best. He’s in a league of his own.

I shove him off me and sit up, leaning against my palms as I attempt to catch my breath. “What the fuck was that?”

Reaper simply grins at me as though he didn’t even break a sweat during the most chaotic fight ‘til the end I’ve ever been involved in. “I told you, Little Siren, that kill was mine, and I don’t care if you sat on my face and ground that sweet little cunt against my tongue to distract me, I was still making that kill.”

I scoff, getting to my feet as I stride over to The Executioner’s body and rummage through his pockets for his ID. “Just because you were the one who made the kill, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t belong to me. I was robbed. I had it in the bag, and you know it.”

“Say what you want,” he murmurs, slowly getting to his feet and watching me carefully. “But I made that kill, and you know it.”

Finding his wallet, I pull out his driver’s license and look over it before holding it up. “Then I suppose you’re going to want this?” I ask, holding it out toward Reaper. His gaze narrows, and as he reaches to take the little plastic card out of my hand, I yank it back, grinning maniacally. “You want it. Come get it.”

Then, without skipping a beat, I take off at a sprint, deeper into the cave.

“Fuck me,” I hear Reaper mutter behind me before jumping into action. He chases after me, and the stupidest squeal tears out of me as he does, but I forge ahead through the darkness, heading deeper into the cave.

I run around bends and take turns I wouldn’t have expected to be here, and when I hear the sound of rushing water, I head toward it. Reaper follows behind me, and despite not running very fast, he makes a point to not catch me, allowing me the chance to lead him astray. If this were any other time, and I was any other target, he never would have allowed me to get this far.

The rushing water gets louder, and I continue around one last bend before coming to a startling halt, my eyes widen in wonder as I take in the breathtaking view before me. A natural pool sits in the middle of the cave, and the ceiling has been washed away by the force of the waterfall streaming into it. The darkness is gone, replaced by the beauty of the vast sunlight streaming through the top of the cave.

It’s the most magnificent thing I’ve ever seen.

The water is crystal clear, and the sun shines through the hole in the top, reflecting against the spray of water as it rushes in, it looks like a million sparkling diamonds dancing in the sky.


