War Games Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 108563 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 543(@200wpm)___ 434(@250wpm)___ 362(@300wpm)

My body flies, jolting around inside the cart, and when it whips around the loops, I’m thrown out of the cart, barely having enough strength to hold on. I do everything in my power to swing my legs up into the upside-down cart, and just as I do, we hit another loop, throwing me out again.

The track quickly levels out, swooping low to the ground, but not being the end of the ride, I have only a second to get off the rollercoaster from hell. Just as the burning cart hits the lowest point of the track, I jump, throwing myself into a forward roll on the hard asphalt.

My back grazes the ground, my skin tearing to shreds, but I spring back to my feet because this fucking ride is not even close to over. With Shadow free, I take off after The Boneyard Slayer.

He sees me coming from a mile away, and as I dodge and weave past every bullet he’s got, he realizes the game is up. There’s not a damn thing he can do to get away from me now, and I’m not even a little bit surprised when fear flashes in his eyes and he turns to run, knowing he doesn’t stand a goddamn chance against me.



The sound of gunshots echoes from a distance, and considering it’s coming from the right side of the park, I have no choice but to trust that Siren has it under control. We made our deal, and nobody wins if I change the plan this late in the game.

I’ve searched this half of the park for almost thirty minutes, and just as I’m about to convince myself that it’s clear and head over to assist Siren, I finally find him. The Texan Reaper.

A sinister grin tears across my face. I’ve been waiting too fucking long for this. I was content with giving him an easy death, making it quick, but after the bullshit he’s caused, the callous way he murders, and now after luring Shadow out of the safety of our home and using her as bait, I’m going to be sure to enjoy this.

The Texan Reaper slinks through the park, having no fucking idea that he has an audience, and as I follow him past the poor excuse of a bumper car arena, I listen for Siren. The gunshots are still firing through the darkness, and as we creep closer to the center of the park, I hear the distinct sound of a rollercoaster.

My heart races, desperate to go to Siren, to see what fresh hell Gasoline has planned because, let’s face it, The Boneyard Slayer doesn’t have the brains to pull off anything worthy of a mention. He’s a yes-man through and through.

As for his brother, he’s a different breed.

The Texan Reaper takes a look around, double-checking the coast is clear before slipping through the entrance of the funhouse, and I roll my eyes. Could he have been any more cliché? But as they say, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I follow the bastard into the funhouse, pausing by the door as I listen to the sounds. I have to have my wits about me. His whole game plan during the past month has been to lure contenders out and trap them. It’s what they did to Silver only a few nights ago and again to Shadow. I can’t go into this assuming this isn’t another trap. I have to watch myself, otherwise, it won’t be me going home to Siren tonight, it’ll be this asshole, and when he does, it’s not going to be to tell her how fucking beautiful she is and then fuck her up against the refrigerator. He’ll do everything in his power to brutally murder her, and I’m not about to let that happen. As Siren said, we end this tonight.

Neither of us is leaving this amusement park until all three of the final contenders are dead.

Making my way deeper into the funhouse, I step into a dimmed room of mirrors, and my senses are instantly off, seeing nothing but myself. Multiple reflections stare back at me, and I realize I was right. This is a fucking trap. There’s no hiding in here. If The Texan Reaper didn’t know I was following him before, he sure as fuck knows now.

As I creep deeper into the room of mirrors, I grasp the blade at my hip. I don’t like it. It makes me uneasy, but it’s not exactly the worst situation I’ve ever been in. But facts are facts, and I’m only human, so if this room of mirrors makes me uneasy, it sure as fuck makes The Texan Reaper uneasy too.

“Come on, asshole,” I murmur, inching deeper into the room, only to be trapped by the mirrors and have to change direction. “You lured me in here. You got what you wanted, now stop being such a little bitch and come out to play.”


