Wanted (The Un #2) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: , Series: Sean Moriarty
Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

“He wants you, Alena,” Chloe says. “Believe me, he wants you more than anything.”

“Really?” I sneer at her. “You could have fooled me.”

“I know what he did looks bad,” she rushes out. “But I felt his emotions. I felt—"

“We need to leave right now,” a new vampire says as he steps into the room. “Asher’s orders.”

“Matthias?” Caden says, spinning around to face him. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s no longer safe here,” Matthias says. “Maddox is pulling the cars up.”

Chloe frowns. “Should I start packing?”

Matthias shakes his head. “There’s no time. We need to leave immediately.”

“But the sun has fully risen. Won’t it hurt us?” Chloe asks.

“No,” Matthias answers. “The cars will protect us.”

Chloe stares at him for over a minute, as if she’s doing that silent communicating thing, then she nods her head in acceptance.

Walking over to me, she reaches for my hand.

I yank my hand back. “I’m not going with you.”

“Alena, please don’t be like this,” Chloe says. “We can discuss this more later.”

Shaking my head, I take a step back.

Matthias growls, “Just grab her, we don’t have time for this. We need to leave before we’re attacked.”

Chloe hesitates, clearly not comfortable with the idea.

But Caden has no problem with it.

Moving faster than I can blink, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

It takes me a few seconds to reorient myself and figure out what happened.

But once I do, I start pounding on his back and tell him to, “Let me go!”

Ignoring me, Caden asks Matthias, “Where are we moving to?”

“The house in Boston,” Matthias answers.

“No,” I moan in terror, my body turning so cold it burns.

I can’t go back there. I won’t.



A thick red haze clouds my vision and blocks out the world. There’s nothing now except for truly being alone.

Alena will grow old and die, and I won’t be able to save her.

She’s been tainted forever.

They’ve done it.

The Order.

I know it was them. I know because of what they did to Isaac.

A foul, disgusting smell oozed from her wound, and I still smell it in my nose.

It’s keeping our bond from fully forming. I can feel it in the very marrow of my soul. It’s a festering rot that tries to break our connection.

Tries to break fate.

And it will probably succeed…

I ran from her, but I had to.

If I had stayed, it would have been my ruin.

She doesn’t deserve my pain added on top of hers.

She doesn’t deserve the rage.

Or the insurmountable sorrow.

The fucking Order. Full of their god’s love and his hatred of vampires.

They’ve committed countless atrocities over the last two millennia. Their barbaric nature far surpassing ours.

What they’ve done to Alena is unthinkable. Poisoning her to spite love.

Such vile cruelty goes above and beyond anything we’ve seen before.

I should have realized the smell was like Isaac’s. The human hunter who tried to save Chloe.

He fed on blood, too.

Chloe’s blood.

It was supposed to give him protection from us.

We beat him, we maimed him, and yet he healed.

They used Chloe’s blood as a weapon.

And the same has been done to Alena. They’ve used someone’s blood to weaponize her against me.

My body is in motion.

I know not what it does as I silently wage war across my own mind. My beast stripped me of the power I had over him the moment I smelled the vile odor seeping from her wound.

I try pushing through the red veil of rage, but only fragments of bloody scenes pierce my brain.

I’ve hurt humans. I’ve mangled them.

And I’ve taken their lives.

But it’s not enough to sate my wrath.

I want to destroy the whole fucking world.

Words or emotions, I can’t tell which, are pushed at me sporadically.

Telling me to calm. To cage the raging monster.

But there’s nothing I can do to stop him.

The memory of Alena’s face flashes over and over again. The look of disgust and hurt. She loathes my existence…

And why wouldn’t she?

But I miss and crave her even now.

Crave to touch her. To feel her silken skin against mine.

I’ve never seen true beauty like hers before. Flawless in both its perfections and imperfections.

That little scar on her lip… the way it curved just a fraction… Even now I can remember the way it transfixed me.

But I’ve hurt her.

I hurt her with my words and disgusted her.

Disgusted her with my cowardice.

What if I can’t get her to see me as her soul’s other half? Will she disappear from my life?

I’ve seen the insanity that happens when a soulmarked is torn from one of my kind.


He knows the pain of loss. The pain of having everything pulled from his grasp.

Will I become like him?

Just a shadow of my former being? Eventually put down because I can no longer control the beast that threatens to never release me from his clutches?

I want to blame my beast for all of this.

But I’m the one that’s truly to blame for this chaos.


