Viper (The Dark in You #10) Read Online Suzanne Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Magic, MC, Paranormal, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Dark in You Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 131708 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

And yet, snippets of it kept replaying in her mind. His mouth moving insistently on hers, his hands possessively fisting her hair, his cock driving into her over and over, and making her explode more fiercely than she ever had before.

Okay, so it hadn’t been ‘just sex’. There’d been nothing regular or simple about it. It had been incredible. An unparalleled experience. Blindingly hot.

But that wasn’t to say they should repeat it. Their kinds weren’t supposed to mix. A one-time fuck, well, that could be overlooked. It had just been a spur of the moment thing brought on by the mere fact that she’d been thinking with her pink parts.

Parts he’d pleasured exceptionally well.

Ella gave her head a little shake and went back to adding products to the counter.

There was another—and admittedly silly—reason why his words kept swimming back to the forefront of her mind. They felt slightly reminiscent of those spoken by the wraith: He will come for you.

This was sheer coincidence, of course. The wraith had merely blurted out crap to mess with her—there’d been no truth in it, let alone any reference to Viper.

The only person who might ‘come’ for her was her little note-deliverer, but that concept didn’t gel with the rest of the wraith’s weird warning … “You will be chained to him forever, and you cannot imagine what that will mean for you.”

Plus, the demon had also said something about how it was her soul that she needed to worry about. There was no reason why her pen pal would pose a risk to her soul. No one would. So yes, the wraith had been rambling nonsense.

Viper, though? She didn’t get the sense that he’d thrown out his little warning lightly. If she didn’t seek him out, he might very well come find her. Which shouldn’t make a little tingle of excitement ride her spine, but their chemistry was, like, whoa. The kind of chemistry that made a person make unwise decisions.

Case in point.

If he sought her out, well, she’d just remind him that casual fucks weren’t her thing. It would be for the best, wouldn’t it?

Her demon didn’t think so, no longer bothered by, or uneasy about, him being one of the Fallen. It liked the darkness that seemed to cloak him. Weirdo.

Mia appeared beside her, one hand on her hip. “You keep zoning out, and I’m wondering if your thoughts might be flying to the mystery guy who ravished you last night.”

Ella had confessed to her sister that she’d slept with someone at the Red Rooms, but she’d kept his identity to herself. Mia might toss out comments about how hot Viper was, but she wouldn’t approve of this. She would instead lecture her on the evils of tangling with the Fallen in such a way. Ella was in no mood to hear one.

“I’m just tired.” It wasn’t a lie.

“Hmm, you do look like you could fall over and nap any second.”

“Ever the flatterer,” Ella sardonically muttered.

Mia snickered and braced her elbow on the counter. “Why won’t you tell me who the mystery dude was? It’s killing me that I don’t know.”

Ella frowned. “You haven’t been all that open with me either. I’m still waiting to hear about whoever fucked a smile onto your face at the club.”

Mia’s brow dented. “I already told you all about him.”

“Oh, yeah. ‘He was uber hot and had some serious skills. You woulda liked him.’ Very detailed.”

“There wasn’t really anything more to tell.”

The ding of the bell above the door made them both look over.

“Oh, here we go,” Mia muttered as Dionne’s mother strode into the store looking like she was sucking on a lemon. Knew this would happen, she added telepathically.

We’re not rehiring Dionne no matter what this woman says, Ella stated.

Maxine appeared at the counter, her chin up high. She wasn’t a hellcat like her daughter and mate, she was a harpy. And since people generally swerved from getting on the bad side of a harpy, the woman was used to getting her way and not dealing with resistance. So used to it, in fact, that she’d come to feel entitled to it. Which meant she could be a pain in the ass at times, especially when things didn’t pan out like she wanted.

“Ella, Mia.” Her voice was as sharp and cutting as broken glass. “I heard you fired my daughter yesterday.”

Ella folded her arms. “I did.”

The harpy’s lips flattened. “And just what makes you believe it’s fair or acceptable to fire someone for having frequent migraines?”

Whoa, was that what Dionne had told her? “That isn’t why she lost her job. She’s lazy. Frequently late. Wanders off to check her phone notifications. And, just yesterday, she also helped herself to cash from the register.”

Maxine’s shoulders tensed. “The latter is a very serious accusation.”

“Not an accusation, a fact. And before you try to pressure us into giving her back her job, know that it won’t be worth it. You run a business, Maxine.” A very successful clothing store, in fact. “Would you keep such a worker on your team?”


